
Ha ha ha, it helps to know what the fuck you're talking about Max.

Holy shit, that Bono version might be the worst thing I've ever heard. I've done my fair share of defending Bono and U2 in my time, but he was absolutely right to apologize for that. This is what happens when you get too far up your own ass.

I chalk up their discomfort to the fact that they apparently only see their parents in 15 minute windows once or twice a day, so they are basically strangers to their own family. And if I had to wear that damn sailor suit, I'd be pretty anxious in front of adults too.

I keep noting the random other servants in the background. I always assumed that Edith had her own maid who just wasn't shown because the writers hate Edith and don't want to show her more than they have to.

I think this episode deserved a better grade just because of the dinner scene. No matter how much they look to the future, and as much as Daisy is reminding us of the class system, it was very jarring to hear the arrogance from the two sons at dinner. And the Tom story line, with his constant moping and constant

I watched that trailer, and while it looks rad, I feel that I should point out what ol' Kirk did wrong here. At first, I was intrigued. Will he find his faith intact at the end of his journey? Will he find out that God is actually good, despite the evil in the world? Will this journey leave Kirk Cameron a

I don't watch TBBT, but I have seen the clips online with the laugh track removed. I'm sure they picked some particularly bad scenes, but it really is quite painful to watch.

Maybe I was just tired, but every time Phil moaned about his plums in the background I started laughing. As noted in the review, that was good work by Ty Burrell.

I find myself quoting the Simpsons subconsciously (as I'm sure most of my generation does). Whenever I give my 3 year old a class of lemonade, I say "Lemonade" exactly as it was said in the violence-free Itchy and Scratchy. I even have him saying "Please" with the same timing. How much of what I say was put into my

I remember laughing for about 20 minutes, on the floor with a sore stomach, when the ambulance hit the tree. This might have been the first time I really appreciated the humor in the Simpsons. It was so utterly ridiculous. I could imagine the writers doing the scene, knowing it was pretty damn funny, and then one

I also didn't like the conversation about the ex-wife's race. I think it would have been fine if she asked and he just left it at "What, can't I marry a black woman?" and then move on without explanation. I've always enjoyed the fact that they left that whole thing up in the air without feeling the need to justify

I don't think it matters much in the scheme of things on the show, but I was distracted by the fact that his stand up routine was almost verbatim his real life monologue from his most recent SNL hosting gig. That took me out of it, a little.

I read recently that Larry Mullen and Adam Clayton were dead-set against U2 going in the European dance music bullship direction, but they got outvoted by Bono and the Edge. Those two guys don't get nearly enough credit.