
I'm betting that it's just Jon and The Hound coming back from up north. With a Walker.

To your last question, I was beyond rooting at this point. But I was preparing myself for Bronn dying horribly. When he didn't, I almost felt let down. I'm not cheering for Daenerys at this point necessarily (I'm not even sure she'll get to the thrown; Tyrion might murder her if she keeps going off the rails), but

Great write up, I agree….but….the construction site parkour chase was in Madagascar. Not Malaysia.

For all that, I still loved the episode. Glad they got rid of 2/3 of the most eye-rolling and cringe-worthy characters on the show.

If only Generic Sand Snake #2 (whip edition) had a different weapon. Literally anything could have been lethal when he had his back to her, but her move was to take her stupid-ass whip and lasso his neck? Learn to throw a damn dagger or get a bow and arrow. Hell, pick up a burning piece of wood and light his ass

He deserves an Emmy nomination for this episode. It was heartbreaking to watch him trying to remember the prayer and failing, and then falling back to his own words which were simple and sincere as can be.

This might be the Most Expected Lawsuit in History. Bob Murray is even more thin-skinned than Donald Trump.

I had to rewind a few times because I literally kept blinking and missing it. That was shocking and so well done it's kind of mind blowing. Man, I love this show!

Man, if you strip away the external factors, you're left with one fact: Soundgarden was a talented group who made oustanding music. Years later, looking back, I identify them as my favorite of the Seattle bands (after years of being on team Pearl Jam, that almost seems silly since I came to my current conclusion).

I have been re-watching The Office on Netflix, and only lately has it seemed like a real chore. This episode might be the breaking point, which is why I chose to look up the review. This was just a terrible episode and it really stands out since I was in the prime of The Office just a couple of weeks ago. Andy,

I agree completely about Push. But I was a horny teenager; they could have been playing yakkity sax for all I cared.

Mike is quickly turning into the best character on TV. His schemes each week continue to delight and surprise. I love Jimmy and his story, but I'm really tuning in to see Mike.

I'd go with Rob Thomas' guest appearance on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia. His music career just is just bland pop nothingness (though I have some fond memories for Push as my first make-out session happened while that song was playing), but his appearance as Sinbad's "Bitch" in the insane asylum was pure manic

I knew about the Tarkin and Leia CGI nonsense going into it, and it was still distracting. But I was just absolutely bummed by the Gold Leader and Red Leader appearances. On the one hand, great idea! And introducing a Blue squadron that wasn't there for the Yavin battle because they all died here was great. But

I think Varys' fur-lined coat is interesting. Or at least it reminded me that Winter has come.

I'm looking forward to the upcoming deconstruction of "Row Row Row Your Boat."

Holy shit, calm down. Transformers is the reason Trump is president. Knocked up was just a relatively tone-deaf comedy by stoner white guys for stoner white guys.

The Avengers. With Ralph Fiennes and Uma Thurman, and Sean Connery as the bad guy. I had never seen the TV show, but still. It's just a terrible, terrible, no good, rotten movie. I had high hopes given the cast, but this movie sucks.

It was a great monologue, but after his previous appearances (helping the old foreign lady at the airport, how much child molesters love molesting children), this one seemed to be just okay in comparison. I had so much hype for Louis' monologue that I think it hurt the overall impact.

Also, I feel like at this point serious questions to the press secretary are useless and counterproductive, since they just result in long winded lies. I think they should just ask long, drawn-out questions that have nothing to do with the presidency or anything Spicer is talking about. Just waste 3 hours of his