
I can't identify with Sean Spicer, because I don't know how it feels to have sold my soul. I mean, these are highly educated people who know exactly what type of person Trump is, yet they fall in line behind him anyway.

I always admired him for doing that, but distribution is pretty difficult and time consuming. I'm sure Netflix is giving pretty sweet deals to comedians, and it was just too tempting to pass up. Distribution is just a boring, thankless task that I'm sure he was willing to pay a small percentage to Netflix to handle

I'm going to go ahead and withhold judgment about the bit until I, you know, actually see it. Critics have been known to not describe bits correctly, and he says there is obvious sympathy in the bit. I think Louis has earned our collective faith that he has a point to make here that may be uncomfortably but

Oh yeah, I just saw that and forgot it was a Michael Bay movie. Which is the highest compliment you can pay a Michael Bay movie.

I loved the Rock until I noticed one little thing that was unforgivably stupid, and yet without it the movie doesn't exist. If I had several nerve gas rockets and had the ability to hold a city hostage, why would I announce my position? I know that it's necessary because a couple of coked up producers were like

That is a good point, though I guess my point applies to using this as a way to excuse your own bad behavior. I don't think that applies in your situation; they are more likely saying "Hey, why are you whooping my ass for having an 1/8 ounce of weed, while that white guy literally raped a girl in front of witnesses

Yeah, I just saw that. Pretty damn funny.

Che's "At least they had a choice" ad-lib was the funniest line of the season to me. I've come around on him in a big way.

Ah, that's makes the Nazi problem okay then. Thanks for clarifying.

"…a fairy tale-equivalent of Who Framed Roger Rabbit’s Toonsville"

After the dust settles and we're in the post-apocalypse, I'm going to find Trump voters and eat them first.

I noticed that about the People's Court sketch. It didn't work because of the lines given to Trump. He's gotten so ridiculous in real life that the impression of him can't keep up, so he's the set up guy. The idea got the laugh, not the presidential impression. Which is just …mind blowing.

I think you're taking the "Clueless Pete Davidson" character too seriously. Don't get me wrong, his whole presence is wearing thin, but I'm pretty much 100% sure he knows who Steve Buscemi is. Especially since he's probably had their mutual 9/11 experiences pointed out to him multiple times. Remember, just because

The dumb line that got me laughing the most for some reason:

The biggest laughs I got out of this was watching my kids laugh until they couldn't breathe anymore. I asked more than once "is that actually funny to you?"

Beck Bennett has become the new Taran Killam. Lorne sees something special in the guy. I think it's there, but he's a bit of an oddball choice to be the Main Attraction.

Maybe the fact that I'm going for the lowest impact, least-likely-to-die-in-my-care type of doctor is a good indicator that I shouldn't be a doctor. Way ahead of you on that one, Universe! I will continue to not be a doctor.

I may be wrong, but isn't anesthesiologist actually like the HARDEST doctor job? Those guys make significantly more than the surgeons they work with precisely because it's so hard. They need to constantly monitor and adjust and I guess it's pretty god damn stressful. I may be wrong.

Yeah, but what did she think of 1941???

I'll try…..