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man, jalopnik sucks now. what a useless post

a few days after the Cedric Benson motorcycle wreck, and death, this is indefensible and disgusting.

what the hell city do you live in where the beer store employees are attractive 20-something chicks? 

electric trucks are not the future, at least not in the next 20 years.

if you’re not watching football, why are you here grandstanding?

what is this, a 1995 eddie bauer bronco? #NoThanx

“more importantly, they mess with its hydrodynamics” - more important than eating through the hull and causing structural integrity?

Methinks Matey should google “More important”

fuck off, Jack.

The biggest crime is that his kid’s name (or what he goes by) is “Bronny”. “Brony” would be better. This dude is somehow a lamer dad than LaVar Ball!


Kudos and all, but isn’t this simply admitting publicly to a fairly-sizable crime?

truly just *curious* - Keri is a former @Deadspin writer. This is not mentioned anywhere. Why?

I went to football camp in Greeley, CO as an 11 year old where he and Rodney Peete were the celeb guest coaches. I couldn’t sleep the first night night and walked out to the dorm lobby to get a snack, and Barry was sitting there. He played board games with me literally all night and signed a bunch of stuff for. GOAT


Agree. He sucks. His wife didn’t even bother to show up, lol 

Bro 1: Hey Bro
Bro 2: Sup Bro
Bro 1: How you been Bro?
Bro 2: Good Bro. Hey Bro?
Bro 1: Yeah Bro?
Bro 2: Can you hand me that pamphlet?
Bro 1: Brochure.

whoever / whatever / however “Deadass” became common language, can we rewind back to the day before that and blow up the world?

A) Who?
B) St. Louis sucks.

I’ve actually assumed a couple leases and had great experiences both times. Once a guy had put down $10k for a 2011 335is and got wifey pregnant. She made him get a bigger car. Payments were in the $400’s and the car was mint after I shipped it from NY to TX. My next car was a 2013 S4 from Orange County; dude lost his
