Schmideo Video

we already knew that US soccer players really sucked

Stick to sports 

Way way WAY WAY TL;DR.

Great, and I was the 69th atar

Currently he captains the Bundesliga club, Hamburger.

Definitely an American!


I guess at least this is about sports. But Jesus what a poor article. Both content, style and diction. Kudos for the trifecta!

Wifey 🔥

Great piece. I’ve been lucky enough to be at Cubs game 5 in 2016 (the first home win), in Dallas when they beat the LeBrons (that was an unproductive Monday), and best of all, American Pharaoh winning the Belmont/triple. That was awesome

I thought this was a Sports blog? <inser trump hate> <insert women’s empowerment message>

I guess you could say he’s a Ghana

but seriously, that’s actually incredible and a great COTD

what’s incredible is that he mis-spelled “Bert”

I suggested “fat chicks”. my post didn’t get approved.

Maybe try going to bars. or fat chicks.

“lucky as hell” - by outplaying, having more talent, and producing?

Bruh. 🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄🙄

<Insert sarcastic Team USA shit-talking>

He’s “a Goat”.

Why care? Who cares. believing you have the right to judge others for their car ownership predilections? Seems... entitled to me.