most obnoxious jingle ever. I’ve damaged many a car radio by feverishly punching and mashing buttons to get that song off.
Hey Jalopnik, NO STORY MAKING A SNIDE JOKE ABOUT KIDS GETTING MOLESTED SHOULD BE PUBLICISED. give me a fucking break. Where are the Jalopnik libtard editors?
Yes. This.
Yes. This.
Yep welcome to Dallas also
Same thing in Dallas with the rideshare bikes
TaySwift can do whatever she wants.
Hey Lebron, how’s my Dirk taste?
50-43? Why do people care about this? #booooooooooring
Nobody cool has ever said “quaffed“
The exact opposite of how my girlfriend* reacted when I brought home my 2013 Boxster S
damn! you beat me to it
He just had a bad connection on his cellphone. He said “back back back back back bacK”
You’re with me, Black Leather.
Although, admittedly I forgot try to block out the heinous A7
Agree on the comments above and below. Former owner of a 2002 S4, 2004 A4, 2008 A5 (2nd in the United States). Remember the a5 - when they debuted it in 2006ish as a concept? It was revolutionary. And ironically, it’s the last time they came out with a new design (and they haven’t changed it since #datedAF). Look at…
Porsche are tremendous cars (and I am a proud BoxS owner), but who says their 911 is special and rare? I guess maybe someone in Montana. Living in Dallas, they’re on every corner
If you haven’t listened to her new album, do it. Brilliant musician.