Pride of Wallingford

OOHHHH Let’s see how this goes for you!

Holy shit that’s hot fire!

Ehh I already hate and distrust them all anyways, a bunch of assholes.

Risk is just a dumbed-down version of Diplomacy.

Side note: have you played Diplomacy before?

Risk should be #1, otherwise this is a solid list. I do understand that it can be prohibitively long, which may be part of why it’s not in the top spot, but it really is a phenomenal game.

The President of the United States is a white supremacist and a racist, just like his odious father was before him.

Charlie Pierce is the moral voice sports and politics needs, and we’re lucky he writes it all down for the rest of us.

I always love it when my government calls for the firing of journalists.

This world needs more people who don’t give the ‘proper’ fucks like Mr. Pierce and Ms. Hill. They’re in short fucking supply.

You have limits in design - we’re not spit-balling on napkins in study hall.

I agree. I really wish I could remember where I read an insider defense of his work, but I can’t so I’ll paraphrase.

Bangle is a shockingly underrated designer with surprisingly few misses to his name, and to be honest, he’s right. With only a few exceptions, car design has gotten super stale and boring. Not everything he did was good, but it was all original.

I can’t believe this is coming from the same people that gave us this

Almost Live ftw.

I totally want to, in complete sincerity, be “so into new and obscure sport that before anyone else has heard of it, I’ve already bought special gloves and kneepads” guy.

I had all my golf clubs shortened for this reason.

I want that soap.