Justin Hofstetter

It's just a function of the rules of that fictional universe and the fact that the fictional universe bleeds beyond the boundaries of its televised runtime (unlike The Avengers, to use your example).

I've always had similar problems with that comment. Nobody goes up to a Star Wars fan and reminds them that Mark Hamill can't really move stuff with his mind, and nobody is upset that Kevin Spacey isn't really a Southern politician.

This comment is pure awesomeness.

Pretty much, but it was still really well done and fun to cheer for (in a way that you can't at home; something about watching that footage with 10,000+ other fans makes it more fun).

I was there for this one; it was SO much fun. I marked out like a 12 year-old for 'Taker's segments, and the pull-apart brawls were FANTASTIC.

Right; you've got a monster MMA vet on the main roster who is allowed to be more than power moves and squashes (and does exceptionally well with that), but you condemn another (supposedly similarly gifted) MMA vet to be absolutely boring.

I mean, at the very least, it should mean that he has some grappling and submission skills that should translate into entertaining matches, as opposed to three-minute squashes.

Seriously; I have friends in the Kansas City judo/ju-jitsu community who said he was preternaturally gifted (and pretty much a legend in competition), but, like the reviewer said, that seems to have NO effect on his in-ring abilities.

I spent most of Baron Corbin's video trying to figure out which Kansas City tattoo parlor that was (I'm assuming that he did it here since he has so many local ties).

Her promo sounded like the lazy Tough Enough "this is my first promo and I don't know what that means" promos.

My wife had the same response; it's an unfortunate piece of branding they did a few years ago that they can't escape, unless they go back to having two separate women's divisions (or went with a full-on GLOW-style show on the network filmed @ Full Sail).

Exactly. I can't imagine Sasha Banks or Becky Lynch (or, really, ANYONE WHO ISN'T A BELLA) fighting hard for that belt. Bring back the old Women's Title, or get a new design out there.

The best way to revitalize the women's division, in addition to the inclusion of new talent, is to stop calling it the Divas Division and, more importantly, to get rid of the princess/Spring Break tattoo belt.

When someone says, "ten years ago," I picture 5th/6th grade. I graduated high school in 2003 and don't even equate that with "greater than ten years ago".

The scariest part of this review is the fact that when it said "20 years ago" I pictured the mid 80s. And then realized that I'm not in the target market if 1995 doesn't seem that long ago.

It shocked me how much that didn't happen.

I was at the Smackdown taping where they held the gauntlet match with all the IC title contenders. When Harper dropped Bryan directly on his head with the half nelson suplex, it looked like he'd just killed Bryan. That was SCARY to see.

Even for a 1995 WCW Hogan-centric storyline, that Halloween Havoc made no damn sense. The super-complicated cage match from Uncensored at least had some semblance of sanity, as did the "Hogan gets kidnapped by the mystical Dungeon of Doom" vignettes.

Are you asking for The Big Show to be thrown off the roof of the Cobo Hall again?

Definitely. Or CM Punk and The Shield vs. a foursome like Cena, Ryback, and Team Hell No.