Justin Hofstetter

I always thought that Elimination Chamber would make a great setting for War Games. Start with two-on-two, with reinforcements locked in their chambers. Every five minutes, you alternate with a heel and a face entering the match.

Best place in the world! I used to demand Faidley's first thing when I visited; now, it's Chaps (not just because it's better; I hate smelling like Faidley's for the rest of the day).

Mine was a Smackdown taping, so it was probably a bit different. For those, they do Superstars and Main Event matches, too; it's a bit weird to not have commentary, but being a part of the crowd makes up for it. It's really easy to get caught up in the crowd energy.

Also, they'll probably give you a super cheap promo code to get presale tickets for the next show after the cameras go off. Definitely take advantage of that (also, I love that I can give this advice to someone from my hometown; throw down on some pit beef and Natty Boh after the show for me).

Had my first live event experience in March (I'm almost 30 and I've been watching since fifth grade). I got what I consider the best seats in the house (just off the stage; they were super cheap because they're considered "limited view" due to the TitanTron placement) but I got to see that phenomenal Intercontinental

Fantasy booking here, but let's put The Ascension in suits, have them destroy J&J Security, and they're Seth Rollins's new bodyguards, taking the Keystone Kops slapstick out of that scenario and replacing it with credible monsters.

And, yeah, the big rallies where they salute and sing to the giant portrait of LRH (and refer to him in coded, "just for us" kinds of ways) brings up that religion vs. cult of personality argument.

Completely agree. My bible study group just finished reading "Letters From a Skeptic," and a lot of the the letters in there addressed the difficulty in swallowing the claims made in both the Old and New Testament, along with the power structures that exist in many churches, ideas which are present in discussing the

I'm still sorting out what's so unsettling about that doc. As a Christian, I think it's unfair to attack the theology of the church (ours can sound pretty wacky, too, but the fact that they're not up front about it and only reveal their underlying beliefs to those who attain a certain level is more than a bit

I watched Going Clear and The Babadook this weekend. Still not sure which was scarier.

"Blue Eyes" by Cary Brothers used to be one of my favorite love songs, and I was dating a girl I was crazy about and used it for her ringtone. Now, I get physically ill if I even hear that that dreamy little intro. It's the epitome of that Lewis Black routine where you become enamored with a song and then, as life

I'll definitely have to check that out. Does it have the usual "Steve rambles about life at the BSR and Hershey the Wonderdog and life in LA for 20-30 minutes" at the start? Or has Steve gotten over that? It's the main reason I stopped listening to him.

I felt the same way for the first few months I was listening; not sure how it caught on for me, but it works (and the linguistic nerd in me likes the meta-conversations they have about things being adjace-esque, adjace-adjace, and maj-adjace).

I really enjoy the interactions between the two. Rosenberg seems like the kind of guy who would jeer at someone for liking wrestling, and does seem to be too "cool" to be a legit fan, but is genuinely entertaining and has a lot of earnestness about his fandom. Shoemaker is an encyclopedia; love his Grantland stuff

I love Cheap Heat, and I unabashedly (and unironically) use "adjace" and "maj" in conversation now. My wife begrudgingly approves.

There has never been a film scene that broke my heart like the realization during my first (of very, very, very many) 25th Hour viewing that Brian Cox was just telling Ed Norton a bedtime story in the car.

There Will Be Blood Clots?

Come on, Hollywood Hogan redux.

The live version, especially. Excellent workout song.

Allow me to reintroduce myself, my name is HOV! (HOV!) H- to the OV. I used to move snowflakes by the o-z!