Justin Hofstetter


I use only established mp3's for my created characters in WWE 13.

My heel turn would be "I Am A God" by Kanye West.

Pre-smartphone, the electronic handheld Yahtzee was my diversion while I was in the bathroom.

Likewise. I was just hearing in my head the Paul F. Tompkins "ehm" and over-enunciations. Which made the article even funnier.

Anybody else read that in the PFT Werner Herzog voice?

99% of the times I listen to "Holy Diver" occur when I'm at the gym or out for a run; at that point, the ridiculousness of the lyrics are far overshadowed by how awesome that song is.

I was reading the last 100 pages of that book on a flight from Baltimore to Charlotte. Finished that ending sequence as the plane touched down and was weeping the entire time. Good memory. Great book.

His books always seem less like novels and more like biographies of fictional characters.

I always end my school year with this one (I teach sixth grade). I hope my kids are oblivious enough to what this movie is to skip it so that I can continue teaching my favorite unit.

That reminds me of John Mulaney's bit about the word "Chinaman".

A friend of mine was on a date with a girl from Memphis once. He asked if there were a nickname for Memphis based on its crime history, like Murderopolis for Minneapolis and Bodymore for Baltimore.

Learned about them from their cover of Modern Love on AVC Undercover. I've been in love ever since.

I haven't had the chance to check out anything published this year (embroiled in a 14-book fantasy series for my personal reading), but I just breezed through Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the Universe to put it on my classroom shelf (it's about 1-2 years old) and absolutely fell in love; that's,

I forgot about that part. I wonder if the lead astronaut strongly resembled Heston or Wahlberg…

I had the same reaction seeing Rise (and I've never seen any of the original series' sequels, either). However, mayhaps in retrospect Chuck Heston had only assumed (erroneously) that mankind had blown itself up (in the Cold War reactionary kind of thought you mentioned), despite what occurred, because of the

Just flat-out amazing. The show I saw (one of nine we had at the Sprint Center in a two-week period), he opened with "The Fever" and the intensity only went up from there (which, considering the song, is really saying something). He also did a really great acoustic duet with his wife on "Walkaway Joe". Unbelievable

It was basically a two-week stand at the brand new Sprint Center because he had family here in KC. Basically, he and Trisha Yearwood flew in every night and flew home after the show on their private jet.

Saw him during his mini-comeback in 2007 at the Sprint Center in Kansas City. Up there with Arcade Fire and Watch the Throne as one of my favorite concerts of all time.

A month after my son was born, I had to step away for a few weeks because of work situations (his mother and I were separated and working in different states). Getting in the car and driving off, all I could think about was the line "but there were planes to catch, and bills to pay". Painful stuff.