Justin Hofstetter

Sanderson taking over for the final two really breathed some life (no horrific pun intended) back into the series. It felt like it had way more purpose and swiftness to it than it had before.

I was there, too, and was amazed at how big of a face pop Seth was getting so soon (and KC isn't a particularly smarky town - this is a building that genuinely loves John Cena), but it was REALLY fun to be a part of the crowd seeing Seth's first babyface singles match.

Try being IN THE BUILDING for that garbage. It was so bad. Nobody even cared enough to get a "boring" chant going.

There were really funny pictures of Seth Rollins in streetclothes (basically, generic hipster dork attire) at the airport with the giant gold briefcase.

He's talking about the disembodied boot Orton beat for his first WHC. I saw it on the Orton DVD.

Cole also "spoiled" the winner of Dean Ambrose-Kevin Owens @ Survivor Series; during the Reigns match he said something to the effect of, "The winner of this faces Dean Ambrose for the Championship," even though Ambrose-Owens had yet to transpire.

…so, basically, Kevin Samowens?

There was just something about the way that character was written that I couldn't help but imagine the suave swagger of a grittier Luther.

I loved the first book (have the next on my Kindle but have been too busy with end-of-semester grading and such to dive into it); I basically set the DVR to record this series as soon as I finished the first chapter way back in August. Really excited to see this (although, in the movie version in my head, Dominic West

As an adult with a WWE Network subscription, I can understand (and appreciate that).

I think Miz would be a perfect manager, if only for the fact that you would see him get his ass kicked far less often.

The boy triflin'. And he too dumb to throw off his piece after a daytime murder.

Love that version, but I've always been more of a Nils Lofgren version man, myself:

I also couldn't read that title without humming "Baltimore."

Cleaning up the kitchen after dinner usually takes me til about 8:15 or so (central, we're in KC), which, on a good night, gives me enough fast-forward juice to get through the bad. Unfortunately, I used that all up pretty quickly this week.

Yeah, the way he was turning to the corner and loading his words, I was waiting for the stomp to start. And then he said Ryback was coming out.

With all the "music" references in the end of the HBK-Rollins promo, my wife (who is only aware of wrestling because she's in the room sometimes when I watch) asked, "Isn't Shawn Michaels's finisher something to do with music? Shouldn't he do that move if they're going to keep saying music?"

Agreed. I desperately miss his top-rope dropkick. And wish I could've seen the moonsault he referenced.

My favorite part of his TIJ interview was addressing the "Please retire" chants. I think he said something to the effect of, "I've won twice on TV this year. How much less could I do in retirement?"

The New Day conversation was fascinating; most of the discussions I'd heard about its effectiveness vs. appropriateness were from an outsider's perspective and involved a lot of debate over whether or not it's racist to put three of the company's half-dozen-or-so black performers together with a gospel intro. It was