Justin Finkbeiner

Any movie with "wakacha wakacha" in it is fine by me.

*whistles* No waffles…


Oh god, this is going to be the start of acorn-y pun thread isn't it.?

Out at retail this week.

A Ballpoint banana!

My choice was always JAG-era Catherine Bell.

I was digging her in purple hair.

Meh, it's better than what happened to the MST3k reviews.

I watched the first one not too long ago and I agree about the casting, except seeing John Hannah in this is unsettling after seeing him in the first couple of series of Spartacus.

Seriously, why is Block mapped to Push L Stick In when the L Button does the same thing as R Button.

Michiganders is the common term, just like pop.

I've read lots of news reports of people dying from someone miles away firing straight up.

Apologies to the A/V Clubber whose bit I'm stealing:

I'm in the backer credits for Hercules!

Like the saying goes, I'll believe that when Texas executes one.

Reminder to everyone: Let's get a physical, physical. Listen to your doctor talk, doctor talk.

Make America Crate Again

Why didn't we have this article earlier this month?

The Amber is good, the Dark, well, I've seen teenagers turn that shit down because it's so bad.