Justin Finkbeiner

Could be Munin, since it was telling what had happened.

Shit, you could start that over barbecue.


I'd say Plinko is pretty much completely luck based with a little skill involved, but that still describes modern-day capitalism, so your point stands.

No , those were terrible because I'd end up eating the whole thing in one sitting.

Dame Shirley Bassey forever.

The Saint Peter at the the Pearly Gates

Lucky he didn't lose a hand.

I can't believe what you all fell on, black days ahead for all of you.

Put that on some graham crackers and slice up some bananas to put on top of that and you are in for some good eats.

Stihl is just quality German Engineering, and no one who speaks German could be evil.

And what kinda name is Husqvarna, anyway? Give me an REAL AMERICAN name like Binford or Stanley!

I remember seeing an interview with Romero saying that after Dawn of the Dead came out, Rogers wrote him a letter saying how much he liked the movie.

Hey Sean O'Neal, nice job with the files under tags.

FBI director Michael Flynn with a Fake Mustache?

Fish fingers and custard, more accurately.

Castlevania: Rondo of Blood

I'll join you in defending TWiNE. You had the great boat chase scene before the really good theme from Garbage. You had Desmond Llewellyn's last film and exit. The plot of "a mission in M's past that went bad and is coming back to haunt her and Bond has to clean up" is basically the proto version of Skyfall.

"StrapAssasin1"? I swear to god I saw one of those at my local adult store.

I spent five years in the service and five years working retail, believe me when I say retail is worse. I may have been trying to kill people in the service but at least they didn't take it as personally as customers did when we were out of a sale item.