Justin Finkbeiner

Four plays better, but Two will always be my favorite, the Third I felt was kinda meh.

I recorded that mission on the PS4 for a reason.

Hold on! Hamilton Joe Frank and Reynolds is a real band?

You should look up the Rifftrax for "The Guy from Harlem".

The bad guy in Wizards 1 is the same actor as the bad guy in Deathstalker and the Warriors from Hell in season 7.

I think they just removed Samurai Cop from the free episodes, but they did just add No Retreat, No Surrender where JCVD gets beat up by a teenager thanks to the power of montages and the ghost of "Bruce Lee".

And the prisoners ISIL was keeping in those caves?

Holy shit, Sean Bean lived?!

I noticed they were using two Crows in Wizards 1 during the fetch joke.

I think one of my favorite things in the new series is the return of letters from the fans. I know it only shows up in a couple of episodes, but I'm still glad that kids are drawing Crow and Servo and sending them in.

I don't think I laughed harder then when someone in Avalanche mention that Rock Hudson's character would be "up to his butt in celebrities" and Jonah said he wasn't touching that one.

Well there were at least 2 Crows running around in Minnesota and God knows how many Servos we've seen over the years.

You joke, but Gadget has a small cult devoted to her over in Russia.

The Sega Master System had the same thing going on, and that is a thing that happened more often than I care to talk about.

You all can joke if you want, but Rez and it's Trance Vibrator are things of legend in some circles.

If we're basing it on who was up on our HS locker, I have to go with Shania Twain. Younger me was smarter than I knew.

Nah, just have him meet up with Captain Britain and MI13 to stop Dracula from shooting vampires at England from his Moon Castle. That would be my preferred way of bringing Blade into the MCU.

"could we at least let Blade join the Avengers or something? "

What are things Donald Trump googles? Same category for a thousand please, Alex.

I remember the episode where 80's era Vanna White offered the family money in exchange for one night with Al, and even after seeing her in a sexy nighty, he couldn't do it.