Justin Finkbeiner

*puts head down*
Those poor people…

I fought a White-Maned Lynel (The centaur dudes from Zelda 1 and LttP on Death Mountain) yesterday and he was knocking about a dozen hearts off every time he hit me with his charge. BotW is no joke.

Now go listen to the voice of Webby singing a song called "Sex with Ducks".

So Von Drake didn't move with his wife when Donald hired Matilda to be the new caretaker of Castle McDuck, as seen in a story by Rosa, which is absolutely amazing in how Matilda and Scrooge made up.

So does anyone else see Winn dating Lyra as a stealth Transgender relationship or was that just me? The line "You are not an adventure" is pretty strong. I know something like that in a primetime television show probably won't fly without controversy, but if it was, I wish they could just do that and not hide it in

I'm also a fan of his Animated Series Comic appearance, where Batman just stares menacingly at him until Mxy says the name to leave.

It's not that much different than how the Animated Series got him one time where Clark got him to point out his typos and it spelled it out.

"You punched me! Picard never punched me!"

That's because there will be a lot more fuckups from the VA getting it's funding cut and being privatized under the Republican budget.

True story: at no point in JW did I ever think "this is going too far."

The Cranberries could play "Zombie" while Kara fights Solomon Grundy.

He was arguably the bad guy in "The Last Five Years". And he was a pretty good singer in that too.

I've seen it described and I'll repeat it again but this administration is the staggering incompetency of the W administration, the paranoia and petty evil of Nixon, and the mental illness of Reagan.


I find fighting back by calling my Representative and Senators and protesting works better than sitting around watching clips on YouTube.

Growing up in the'80s, when they said we'd start WW3 with Russia, I never thought they meant as allies against everyone else.

I know everyone always bags on the Holiday Special for the Wookie growls, but everyone also forgets that Knights of the Old Republic has about 4 hours of hearing the same 3 Wookie Growl sound clips.

A fear of stairs is supposedly a sign of Alzheimer's disease, that combined with his daylighting symptoms make me wonder if he's worse off than ol' Ronnie was.

"You are what you pretend to be, so you must be careful what you pretend to be."- Kurt Vonnegut, Mother Night, a book about an American spy in WWII who hid coded messages for the Allies in Nazi propaganda.

And Teen Vogue is the leading magazine of the Resistance.