Justin Finkbeiner

Oh! I know this one! Ask him what the other one would say.

it may not be a cautionary dystopia, but you might find Mother Night by Kurt Vonnegut as terrifyingly on the point as I did.

God no! No one should wear something that goddamn hideous, not even to make fun of the establishment.

Godspeed Conner. Fight the power for all your life and never trust the white man.

Well as someone who is a member of the LGBT community, who doesn't have protection at work or for housing on that subject, yeah, you're goddamn right I'm terrified of how the next four years are going to go.

I'd almost wish it for the simple fact that the enlisted troops who would have to do the endless dog and pony shows would grow to hate Trump, because trust me on this, there is few things enlisted people hate more than wasting time with unnecessary dog and pony shows.

Donovan still wins that category, sorry.

I have an idea why Toby "The Dixie Chicks should shut up and sing!" Keith is for Trump and not his opponent. Hint: it's because of misogyny.

I made a headcanon that they're two different characters. Aeris is the FFVII character who flirted like mad with the crazy guy who stole her last boyfriend's look and Aerith is Holy Virgin character in KH.

The only part I have trouble believing is that Trump actually paid the girls, rather than skip out on the bill.

Jesus Christ, reality is completely insane when you put it like that.

I'm willing to give PEAs a chance.

You mean who ever that was she played on S2 of True Blood?

"No pet. No pet. You're the pet!"

c. do you mean George Washington by GW? Because if so, the USSS didn't exist then.

My dad was a long time pot smoker who had a very nice grow setup and after he passed, we went around to the various shops looking for a very nice bong to place his ashes in. Sadly, we never found one big enough and also the cemetery had a problem with placing something that fragile in the ground.

What the Angry Yam thinks should be done in Chicago is what his good buddy Duterte is doing over in the Philippines.

Yeah, i had the same reaction somewhere around the end of Season 5, the one with Brainiac James Marsters had somehow traveled back in time by putting Lana in a coma (not that anyone really noticed…) and was going to kill Baby Clark and then Clark showed up and the first thing out his mouth was about Lana and then

something something Astronomy… yeah I got nothing.

I knew it was going to be bad once Death became brave enough to come Christopher Lee.