Justin Finkbeiner

Because the people who believe in the perfect world after death don't care enough about this to make it better?

i only learned them from trying to sing that song in Rock Band.


Mellencamp is dang good pick and I've always thought "Rain on the Scarecrow" is probably his best song ( at least my favorite of his) that doesn't get much airplay. "Cherry Bomb" is my least favorite and a song that made him "grumpy old man yells at cloud" thirty years ago.

I just wanted to post my approval of using Bean Bunny from Muppet Christmas Carol there. That movie is absolutely fantastic and probably my favorite Christmas movie.

The Ranch isn't that bad if all you want is Sam Elliott making fun of Ashton Kutcher for being a pretty boy.

Don't blame the schools, blame the fuckstick Republicans who put that shit in there in the first place. People like Betsy DeVos, our future Secretary of Education, who is going to bring the same quality education to our nation's schools that she brought to Detroit.

This sounds like a film that only 2016 could have made. Fucking white dudes and their privilege.

Do you want a bottle of hot sauce?

I'm calling it now. one of them will play "Fortunate Son" by CCR and completely miss the damn point of that song.

*Spike Lee angrily Tweets Nellie Olsen's home address*

My personal favorite is "You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

"I know."

Are we counting VAs in this, because Mark Hamil has to count somehow.

Yes. Mein Kampf. Supposedly he kept it on his nightstand.

*writes all the clues on whiteboard*

Man, while a live action version of Mayhem of the Music Meister is the dream, I would also be happy if Supergirl cast Michael Rosenbaum to play Lex again for the crossover and we'd get a live action The Great Brain Robbery.

"You came in that thing? You're braver than I thought."

For now. Wait until Betsy DeVos destroys the education system and brings back Child Labor. Won't get a day off from Wal-Mart or the mines then.

aww, but then Maggie would be dumped. I know! Let's bring Maggie along with Alex to hang out with Sara.