Justin Finkbeiner

Gwyneth can go fuck herself with her solid gold dildo.

I went Rowlet as well, named Birdsworth. I generally name Pokemons that I want to use, and leave the box trash with the generic names.

Like Shuckle level unstoppable?

They've been pretty dark going back, iirc, to the beginning. Poor Cubone.

You might also be able to find a 2DS for cheap, and the 2D only doesn't matter since Pokemon is a 2D game.

Verbing weirds language.

Drunken Karaoke episodeā€¦

The thing Conroy doesn't get enough credit for as Batman, is not that he has two different voices but three. There's the obvious Batman/Bruce difference but the subtle change when he's talking with Alfred in the Batcave voice which is probably closer to the real person that he is.


I thought this was going to be rumored Attorney General candidate Rudy Giuliani saying about ethics laws on conflicts of interests: "Those laws don't apply to the president."

it's millennial to blind people with nostalgia? I missed that on Tuesday when noted millennial Donald Trump convinced 49% of voters of making America "great" again. And which groups did he win? Oh right, old people. Sad.

The raw and painful emotion in Kate's voice when she sings that last verse just kills me every time.

No, but I would like to build a snowman with her.

From All Star Superman, yeah, that's one of the GOAT Superman stories.

Goodell did say that the Sexist Cheeto becoming president will make it harder for the NFL to fight domestic violence.

Thank you John, your words do help today, and I say this as someone who can pass safely but is semi-secretly a member of the LBGT community, so you can imagine how worried I've been.

I made this comment on Election Night, but one line from "And I Shall Wear Midnight" that stuck with me: "Poison goes where poison's welcome".

They're afraid that another man will treat them like how they treat women. Toxic masculinity at its finest.

Aw dang it, Netflix. You have let me down and removed it when I wasn't looking. Thankfully it's still on Amazon Prime video.

Netflix has episodes of Mr. Rodgers' Neighborhood. One of the first episodes they show has him singing to this boy in wheelchair about how much he loves him for who he is and that's when I just break down and cry like crazy.