Justin Finkbeiner

"We survived that."

I'm holding out for Mr. Action personally.

I made the joke that this was how they were going to do the Power Girl boob window on this show.

Aww… Dave, NO!

Mono… D'OH!

The Ref gets a Christmas play in my house, right after Die Hard, but before Muppet Christmas Carol.

They're all busy calling Kelly Lynch's husband, Mitch Glazer, to tell him Road House is on.

I get that reference!

Or Jones… oh my god. Is he related to J'onn too?

"Maryonovich details her transition from a “soul-crushing” job in advertising to a job as a senior designer for the White House, where she feels supported enough in her fandom to ask for time off work for Rush-related activities."

She survived the animated series. RIP Dan Turpin.

But she's already Aunt Astra…

Christopher Reeves as the scientist who tells Clark about Krypton for the first time was damn near perfect.

I thought she was okay in Fallout 4, but that may have just been a low limbo bar in terms of writing to clear.

Well Namco does hold the patent on the concept of playing games during loading screens since the early PS1 days, back when you could play Galaxia/Galaga while waiting for Ridge Racer to load.

I respect the hell out of Obsidian for how well they handled Kreia's background and made it something you had to look for and read between the lines of what she told you rather than shoving in your face.

That and X-Men: Destiny, which I can still find a retail copy of to this day even though every copy was supposed to have been sent back and destroyed. Oddly, I think it's still at full retail price (Wii version).

I'm pretty sure Winn can read Kryptonian but he's never heard it spoken out loud before and since it probably sounds different out loud than in his head, he wanted some clarification on the translation so he didn't think J'onn didn't say something like "I like the stinky cheese best."

You joke, but that's how AvsX is joked about to have happened. Pixie and SG playing with some action figures made from Puppetmaster's mind control clay.

When it started getting closer to Halloween. I've always been partial to Angry Yam myself.