Justin Finkbeiner

Almost anyway, she wasn't slapping around an intern.

Okay, enough of this nun-sense, let's get back in the habit of taking about the Defenders.

Hydro city or Hy dross ity?

At the risk of spoilers, Sonic Mania has a shout out to you crazy Master System fans.

Dad, you shot the Zombie Simpsons'!

Amal Clooney's trophy husband?

No quarter asked, none given.

And an urinal.

Guy who shot Archie's Dad looked like the Black Hood to me.

This is correct.

That's the reason why I turn Red Rocket into my personal house and build a massive tower on the roof of it. I figured the AI isn't smart enough to find a way up the stairs and sure enough, I was right. It also made a pretty good place to send my companions, all except Preston, because I just want to store my stuff

Science isn't about "why", it's about "why not"

That's dessert. *waggles eyebrows*

It winked at you?!

Heck, Deadpool is the better Avengers archer and he had Hulk Hands Arrows*

Your date or your friends and family maybe?

I'm holding out hope for White Rabbit and The Walrus.

Yes, I'm sure that's the reason.

Nope! TIllerson and Mattis tried to make some neutral sounding remarks since our largest military base is in Qatar, but Trump has property in the Saudi Allies countries, so guess whose side he's on!

I've read 5ft, versus the NES Classic's 3ft, but I can't find where.