Justin Finkbeiner

If you want to stay with the top down Zeldas: Link Between Worlds, Link's Awakening, then the Oracle Series, in that order.

As an aside, the Spinner and the Domination Rod are fun as heck weapons in Hyrule Warriors, too bad they're locked behind having to have Amiibos to get them.

Chloe deserved way better.

ZZ Tapas

Make sure you count how many hubcaps come off during the chase.

I love how in his comic that even though he is undercover working for a Spy Agency that uses alien tech to hide a person's face, everyone still recognizes Dick's butt.

Best I can give you Kriea from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic 2, but I do believe she shares the same body model with the Handmaiden*, so she looks 20 if you remove her armor.

I'm sure the comments for this story are all going to be just wonderful.

It'll stick long enough until they get the movie rights back.

It'll be Hawkguy. Whenever Bendis needs a person to kill in an event, it's always Clint Barton. See Avengers Disassembled, House of M, Ultimate End…

I'm pouring one out for one of favorite series that just ended this week: Mega Man by Archie Comics. It was just more than an all-ages tie-in book, it also dealt amazingly with issues like the line between what defines a human and a machine, PTSD, if a person could change their nature, forgiveness, and probably a

That final issue of Loki was absolutely perfect in so many small ways. I love the God/Goddess of Stories, "Mischief? That has legs." Loki so much, that I was instantly against Jason Aaron going back to God of Evil Loki in Thor #1 last month. I'm giving a couple of issue to see if this is the real direction or just

James 2:17
Even so faith, if it have not works, is dead in itself.

Yeah, sometimes it's hard to reconcile the "sit around and laughing at Scott with Young Jean" version of Emma with the "I'll give Firestar a pony then kill it by burning it alive in a fire and make her think it's all her fault because she wanted to kiss a boy instead of being my perfect assassin*" Emma Frost

I did like how AvX used Spider-Man though. His bringing down the mountain on Colossus and Magik to delay them and his crash course on Power and Responsibility to Hope were the only parts that worked for me.

Should have read that deal with Mephisto better.

I play that too, it is nice to know that I can use the F4 on any of the deploys that ask for any hero or on flight deck duty because I know they'll never be needed for anything else.

Actually they used to. The old rule was, unless it was Doctor Doom's Time Machine (like the time Doom sent the Thing back in time to retrieve the Pirate Treasure of Blackbeard and that's why in the Marvel Universe Blackbeard the Pirate was Ben Grimm), any time a change was made to timeline, it would create a parallel

I've had a lot of problems with BMB's run on X-Men, everything from the lack of focus, sticking the landings on these stories, the shoehorning in of other series that he was running (into the ground…*coughGuardianscough*), the continuity errors, but my biggest problem and the one that made me look back at the other

I'm pretty sure Bendis knows where the bodies are buried over there at Marvel. That's why the editors let him get away with so much.