Justin Finkbeiner

I was saying that since around episode 4. And if you told me a couple of years ago that Marvel would make want a Patsy Walker tv show, I'd thought you insane.

I thought he was still affected by the tranquilizers he was shot with so his powers were spotty at best, so he had to fall back on the large stacks of cash he would obviously have.

You joke, but there was a movie earlier this year that something like that by placing a 2 star review between two parts of the poster so it looked like the art was covering up the other 2 stars and then surrounding it with other 4 star reviews.

Dude, get in line. There's three of us in the pantry, the one guy in the cupboard where the dishes are kept, and the chick in the fridge next to the milk (don't make eye contact with her, she's crazy)

Dill potato chips are godly on Tuna Fish Sandwiches.

More like ethics in grain storage.

8.8 Never Forget.

God is Not Dead 2: Die Harder

The A.V. Club

I think of him more from the Reefer Madness musical where he gives Kristen Bell a joint and she turns into a whip-wielding, leather-clad dominatrix.

It's Adam & Eve, not Florence and the Machine!

Ewing did such a great job building on the JiM Kid Loki arc and on the Walt Simonson Thor there at the end, that while I'm sad to see it end, I'm glad it ended while it was still good. Plus like the God(dess) of Stories said, they have to end in order to have any meaning.

So was Gwen.

Why is that so shocking? Jesus was a Buddhist, you know?

Which is funny, because the Alias comic book that this show is based on was originally supposed to star (then former Spider-Woman) Jessica Drew.

I had that same problem when I tried Hulu Plus to watch Cosmos. Sit through 45 secs of ads, watch 2mins of Cosmos before it'd close saying there was a connection problem try again later, sit through the same 45 secs of ads, watch the same 2mins I just watched and get another Connection Problem Try Again Later. So I

Don't underestimate Rebecca Gayheart, she actually has killed people in real life.

Available on 3DS Virtual Console if you'd rather not pirate a rom.

That's funny, you seemed to misspell "GOOOOLLD finGERRRR!"

A NextWAVE movie is one of those things I KNOW will never happen, but I still wish for it anyway.