Justin Finkbeiner

It's Bendis doing whatever the fuck he wants. Which in this case, I don't mind since I can safely ignore it since NOTHING about it will stick.

Yeah, it's kinda awkward. It was supposed to take place Post-Secret Wars when it shipped, but then last week's Ant-Man Annual is based on the end of Rage but looks to take place BEFORE SW. Marvel has been pretty bad about continuity in the last few years.

Not sure of the issue number, but it's Marvel Adventures: Avengers, which was just the best comic.

RelevANT picture link:

Good! Get that horrible family in the one the thing they care about: their bank accounts.

I saw the writing on the wall for the 2000's NBC Reboot when over half the show was talking to each of the contestants before and after each event while entire events were only shown on the website.

We had them still back in 2000 when I went through Boot, probably the same ones you had back in the 80's knowing how frugal the Marine Corps is.

What are you laughing at boy, and if you say "Jimmy Fallon", I'll know you're lying!

I'm not sure if Frank Miller's DD run predates the first Wolverine Mini or not.

The Law of Inverse Ninja Strength (aka Conservation of Ninjitsu) was in full effect in this episode.

So do you, Dr. Jones!

I don't have a TV after it got stolen, so the WiiU game pad has been a lifesaver and I know that both Netflix and Amazon Prime allow viewing and browsing on the pad. Hulu Plus I'm not so sure about since it runs terribly on the pad for me, or at least did when I tried to watch Cosmos on it.

He's too busy trying to get that "Mitchell" remake made.

I used to have an X-Box360 and I don't care how much money it costs me, there's no way I'm buying an XBONE to play RB4 when I'd rather have a PS4.

Astronauts win against cavemen. We've seen this in Planet of the Apes with Astronaut Chuck Heston.

Why start now?

You mean like with Tala?

I actually have eaten at that steakhouse. Trust me, being banned is not a punishment.

I always laugh thinking about how Spider-Man had to teach the Beyonder how to go to the bathroom.

You know Linda Cardellini did the voice of Hot Dog Water, Velma's implied girlfriend, in Mystery Inc.?