Justin Finkbeiner

Probably because Storm's real name is Ororo?

Wait a minute. This sounds like Rock and/or Roll!

God yes, The Letter. That song has just an amazing energy to it.

Aw damn. I think The Letter is best song he did.

In the meantime, go play Mario Kart 8's Mute City track with the Captain Falcon amiibo costume unlocked.

We got Ann Landers and her sister Dear Abby.

Superior Foes of Spider-Man was the best Marvel book I have read this year.

If you're wondering how he eats and breathes

I'm not sure if he's a threat or a menace yet.

Finger Prints?
*Prince waves*
No thanks!

I honestly think I was looking forward to this game more than I was to Smash WiiU. I just wish Nintendo hadn't put this game out in the Holiday Feast season. I'll have to wait until I get some money saved up before I pick this up.

If you remove Christmas Jones, TWiNE is decent. Skyfall's plot is basically TWiNE's, just with the serial numbers filed off.

Oh god, that was in the rotation at the retail store I used to work at.

Even his name says "is that a beer?"

The episode that still bounces around my head is the one where Hilary poses in Playboy for one of those "Women of…" shoots they do. Well Uncle Phil was a long time reader of Playboy and the idea of his daughter being in it bothered him, so he and Will go to the Playboy Mansion and talk to Hef about it, who can't

Man, I love Bayonetta, but there is no way I'd classify her as a system seller.

"The Reason" by Hoobastank. That's my hatesong. There are very, very few songs I hate as much as that one.

But are they willing to pay enough for an editor that would actually do his or her job? For the answer, take look under the picture at the top and how the names go COUNTER-clockwise from bottom-left


You joke, but on page 13 or 14, when Atom is talking about the comic book, I swear I felt like something was knocking on the door of this dimension.