Justin Couron

*Pushes glasses up face* Those are nouns Mr. E.

Funny the NY Times doesn't considering every HR department in the country does make that distinction. I guarantee you if someone at the NY Times called their co-worker their "n***a" they would be receiving disciplinary action from HR.

I know and talk with a lot of people who call themselves farmers and too a tee all of them work in their fields.

Either this is a lame troll or its easily one of the dumbest things I've read on the internet in a long time, and I read Trump's tweets.

Well seeing as there are an absolute plethora of movies about "evil" genetic modification, forgive me if I fucking tired of seeing the trope.

you mean like scientists are already doing. Heck we are already well on our way to synthetic meat that requires no slaughtering of any animals, why o why would a company create an animal that needs to be killed for meat when we are already make it via other avenues that don't require it.

Just what we need yet another movie spreading wildly ridiculous ideas about genetics that fake advertisement for this movie while wonderfully acted by Tilda Swinton literally sounded like flat earther nonsense but replaced with gobbldy-guk about genetics. I find it so funny that people who talk about climate change

@Kevin Pang my wife and I too walked out on this movie for the same reasons. We were both prepared for something slow and glacial and even then that movie tested our patience.

Its truly amazing how few directors of movie spectacle have utterly failed at the techniques Gareth talks about here. This was a cool interesting conversation. AV Club, I would love to see more technique talks with directors like this one,

But I felt like ME 2 kinda of strayed away from that and it was about creating a team. I was excited when I heard this was going to be about a colony ship going to another galaxy. I was under the mistaken assumption that Bioware would use this opportunity to let go of the "Chosen One" narrative and end of the galaxy

I was super excited when I heard about the setting. A new galaxy, away from the chosen one narrative, new aliens, more exploration, I'll admit I was pretty excited. Then I heard about the "pathfinder" narrative which basically just replaces "Spectre" with "Pathfinder" and then rinse repeats the plot from 2 and I was

No consequences for decisions, removing of any classes, gameplay that rewards lazy players who don't know why its important for there to be consequences for skill choices and just want access to everything. Further reduction in strategy by making movement the only control you have over squadmates. EA/Bioware have

This times infinity. This was something trying to be mature and adult but not understanding what that means at all and confusing mature and adult for gore, boobies, and swearing. I think given time this movie will age rather poorly and will become increasingly devisive. Its themes are confused, its villains are poorly

Come on AV Club, no Carla Speed Macneil? One of the most singular artists out there and an artist/writer ta boot. Or Alex Di Campi for SHAME AV CLUB FOR SHAME!!!!

Which furthers my issues with the movie and Logan the character. Throughout all his appearances in various movies its been Logan fighting the fact that he was turned into a living weapon and to continually fight that impulse. Not only does this movie not really deal with that, but most of the time it glorifies his

Favorite dumb line: "We have to get them before they get to the border!"

Yeah, I've heard this already, and yes they touch on that in the movie, but the movie never really reinforces that theme and instead ends up all over the place never deciding on what it wants to be about.

It turned me off because the story was confused and at odds with itself. The evil twin plot was dumb as nails. The gore, language, and nudity didn't really improve the story and the B plot really should have been the A plot. The score was subpar.

Right? I mean the through-line of Wolverine's story through out all the movies he is in in, is that he is more than just a weapon, and the climax of this movie turns him into little more than a blunt instrament, there is almost no difference between Logan and X-24 other one is good and one is a clone. This is a

Yes, and if they had focused on that and dropped the boring as paint drying X-23 plot the movie would have been much better. At the half-way mark after a certain thing happens I stopped caring about the movie and it just turned into an hour of gore, screaming, and cliche.