Justin Couron

Sorry, Ang Lee's Hulk is that. I know a lot of people hate on it, but it really is an art-film comic book movie.

I disagree about it being very good or moving, but yes this movie is emblamtic of what almost destroyed comics in the 90's. The over the top machismo, violence, grimness, and swearing. Deadpool at least is supposed to be childish, and yet this felt even more puerile than that did.

No, because he was given nothing to do, what an amazing waste of an incredibly talented actor. The villains in this movie were an absolute joke, they were little more than fodder to be sliced the movie was duuuuuuuumb.

Nah, I think people are turning blinders on and confusing, gore, swearing, and overbearing grimness for being good. The only good thing about the movie is the interaction between Jackman and Stewart. Subtract the fact that its an established comic property and this movie is little more than puerile junk.

Thank you. I feel like I'm taking crazy pills here. It was terribly mediocre. Frankly I thought The Wolverine was better at least its villain was marginally compelling.

This movie was not very good. It was okay, but these movies (comic book movies in general) really need to work on having compelling villains. The villains here were so one note and poorly realized I there were no real stakes when they get dispatched. Additionally, the idea that they continually have an endless stable

Well the unknowable terror part kind of fits those characters reactions at the end. Both of them no fairly insane.

All eels are CARNIVORS. Come on folks.

Meh, the one thing Deadpool got right was casting Reynolds. The rest was pure amateur hour.

Oh my god, you are the one sane voice I have seen in response to Deadpool. It has the edginess of a 13 year-old, and the storytelling of a mid to late 90s comicbook movie it was neither original nor well directed. Ryan Reynolds charisma held that movie together more than anything else.

I too much like the great state South Caroline now need to ask "What is a pussy hat"

hmmmm. Too soon?

Like seriously. Just fucking come out and say it was a horribly stupid, and insensitive thing to say. It not only hurts the cause I believe in but was just completely inconsiderate thing to say. There is nothing I can say to defend it and I deserve the derision for it.

What preview where you watching? It was clear to me that he woke her up and that would be the twist. The fact that it isn't the major twist of the story and never deals with this fact makes what I thought looked like a generic piece of garbage look even worse.

A) How are people surprised by this plot "twist" since the trailer clearly gave this way what with Pratt's character's voice over of "needing to tell her why she was woken up."

This is insanity the trailer completely gave this away. From the moment I saw the first trailer for it, it first and foremost look like the blandest bland movie I've ever seen, and secondly it was clear he woke her up for personal reasons and the trailer was seemingly glossing over that.

Go watch the movie and find out.

Meh, the organic food and alternative medicine industry have very successfully used these tactics quite lucratively.

The popular vote would indicate that Trump was the most disliked between the two. I think the electoral college while flawed is better than direct democracy but lets not fool ourselves about popularity in this election. Both are some of the worst candidates America has had the duty of voting for.

This really isn't novel, we have done psychological studies that pretty much shows people take more seriously the opinions of attractive people regardless of whether they are of any merit or not.