Justin Couron

I mean say what you want about Hitler's ethics, the man shot and killed Hitler.

Maybe this guy is some kind of magical fairy creature who sees people who are lonely and need more friends and works a way for them to get together and bond. He will take his glittering cane back out into the world only to unite other people in friendship and camaraderie.

The film also contains potassium benzoate…..

Not really? At that point its performances, and the minutiae of Nolan's direction which can't really be spoiled as they have to be seen.

Seemed pretty self evident to me considering Nolan's history and and the history of the subject matter.

Deploying wheels adds a ton of drag to the plan which is gliding un-powered and would be dangerous to do. Ditching in water is also exceedingly dangerous. It is always better to land a plane. Since he's gliding he doesn't have much maneuverability and and pretty much has to make straight line maneuvers.

Male child of the 80s here, I watched Rainbow Bright, She-ra and the Care-bears and so did most of my male contemporaries. Specifically Care-bears which was fairly gender neutral. She-ra was basically more he-man so what wasn't to like. There is no real good reason to justify these omissions.

Working at Hollywood Video in the aughts. Sikh Indian employee and I are waxing nostaligic about Indiana Jones and Spielberg. We talk about Raiders and Last Crusade agreeing they are the best. I throw in Temple isn't too bad, but I'm just not a huge fan. He just looks around the store and makes sure there is no

Just FYI Radiation induced mutagenesis, chemical baths to induce mutation are both techniques used to create new varieties that are perfectly acceptable in organic and conventional breeding. Both of these techniques result in completely unknown mutations with absolutely no control on the outcomes and require very

Hybrids, and little plants created by independent farmers are also patented and subject to patent law and are not just the domain of chemical conglomerates. Patents on regular old conventional hybrid varieties have gone on since the 1920's.

You are my spirit animal. WHERE IS THE BLU-RAY FOR THIS BY THE WAY!!!!!

gotta say incorrect not all the episodes have ended in the Bang Bang bar. Episode 6 ends with Cooper at the Statue and I believe another episode ended elsewhere as well.

Meh, Logan is really really not some step forward or change its just as derivative and stupid as these films only it traffics in grit, misery, and a exceedingly puerile fascination with swearing and gore. Groot was easily the most grating thing in this movie where int he first one it was a part of a whole and good in

Was it just me or is this movie a perfect allegory for the American Psyche. Isolationist, selfish, but claiming to want to help strangers, only to be distrustful and paranoid at their presence.

Oooh, your so cool, your so above it all, sick burn bra.

No they physically work the fields along side a lot of their temporary help. They also manage their farm in addition to that.

I'm saying they don't distinguish. Both words are considered wrong in the eyes of not only courts but HR departments when it comes to employee repremands and punishments. People generally will be giving a final warning or will be immediately terminated.

And its liberals like Maher that have helped turn middle America against the coasts. Like Katie says above a good portion of the midwest works in fields for the summer or otherwise, so Bill Maher saying what he did is not only hypocritic it implies that the people who work the fields are field slaves. He managed to be

Guy has always been a hypocrite. Bludgeons people about the science of evolution and for being religious then spits absolutely dumb anti-vaxx nonsense and anti-gmo paranoia both of which are completely supported by scientific consensus.