Justin Couron

I just reviewed her voting record as well as bills she has submitted, co-sponsored, or voted for. That voting record is consistent with the values I just listed above. Heck she voted for bills Bernie put through congress. I really don't think there is much evidence Women's Rights, the environment, LGBTQ issues will

Based on what? A gut feeling. She has always advocated for women's rights, civil rights, and environmentalism and climate change initiatives.

You know what, nothing the DNC Chair did made 3 million more people vote for her than Bernie. One only need look at how most PoC especially african-americans felt about Bernie to see why.

I just want to get at some good reasons for disliking her. Those are things I totally agree with and tarnish her as a good progressive candidate.

I'm not saying to like I'm saying comparing her to shit sandwich is just wrong especially if that is the metaphor you are using for Trump. She is so completely far away from the awfulness that is Trump she is actually a meal that can provide some sustenance by comparison.

How about instead of trying to skip over the important part of getting elected to city and state offices, the third parties focus on those seats. They are the easiest to win, can effect a lot of change, and can actually build toward a 3rd party being possible.

I think so, the same people bemoaning this election and things never change are likely the same people who don't make sure to vote in their state and city elections and absolute criminals get elected and effect their lives in real ways.

Okay, but it isn't a shit sandwich, its just a bland club sandwich with dry turkey no condiments, and burnt bacon. Its mediocre all around but it won't give you e.coli and won't be eating shit.

Again, you don't care about what she did or didn't do while being a senator for your state, but about something that really has no bearing on anything.

Right? This idea that she is the lesser of two evils when she has fought for the things everyone is passionate about. Civil Rights, LGBTQ, CLimate Change. Sure she has done it as a politician who works in Washington has had to do it, in a very compromised way with people who are actively vitriolic and hostile to her,

What are you even talking about she has worked for these things for over 2 decades. What makes you think she won't have you bought into the GOP and Fox News rhetoric so hard?

That seems like a pretty petty reason. Rather than disagreeing with her policies, or any of the work she did, or didn't do, her agenda, malfeasance your biggest gripe was where she called her home?

I'm sick of the argument that she is only slightly less worse than Trump. The person who wants to protect women's reproductive rights and has a history of doing so, the person who supports climate change initiatives and has a history of doing so, the person who has a history of getting healthcare to the poor, the

This is ludicrous, I'm flabbergasted at how many people think HRC as a shit sandwhich. No she isn't just the lesser evil, she is a lot better.

I'm sick of the argument that we shouldn't wait. Its naive to think that change can be enacted at such a high level in a position that needs to be elected by the general population. If people want change they need to ACTUALLY get involved in local politics, state politics, make the change they want to see. If you

Maybe they should stop pinning so much on a position that has no real effect on their day to day lives. Maybe they should be getting involved in local and state politics. Everyday crime is happening there and no one is paying attention. People routinely run unopposed in city and state legislatures and absolutely

But thats the problem though Trump is a shit sandwhich and HRC is just a crappy Denny's meal. Its not a good meal but it isn't literally shit in a sandwhich. She won't legitimize the xenophobic, homophobic, jingoistic, and fascist parts of our society.

I think her actions in government aren't anything I haven't had issues with. She's fought for womens reproductive rights, gotten better healthcare coverage to 8 million children, worked towards rights for LGBTQ communities all while having an entire New Organization and hostile congress harping on her at every turn.

Yeah lets help someone who will roll back climate change, LGBTQ rights, marginalize even further PoC, sweep under the rug the constant excessive force used by the police.

Thank you. I was thinking this myself. The green party could be making real in roads in state and local politics and instead waste it on futile presidential runs with unqualified candidates. If they made are hard run at a positions in California they might be able to get some mayorships, congresspeople, and or