Justin Brill

No mention of the reference to "The Wire" by The Hound? Booo! A man's gotta have a code…

Ignatiy only likes comic book movies and their ilk.

Gina Gershon looks like she has a face stapled over her face these days.

This was not a good movie in the first place. To all of Robert Rodriguez's hyping of this series, my question is "why? Who could possibly be excited about this?"

Here comes Johnny….

Oh yeah, that's a horrible song. And the dude sounds like he's doing a half-assed impression of Golem while singing. WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT FUCKING VOICE???

Honestly, the first one is killed by Brian DePalma's cheesy noir-revivalist direction.

Well, I think he has terrible taste and that he's kind of a putz.

Can't trust this review, see all other Ignatiy Vishnevetsky reviews.


Go fuck yourself.

Like how does this guy have any credibility? There is fucking zero chance this movie has anything that redeems its existence.

God, you love Paul W.S. Anderson. I'm 100% sure this movie is a piece of shit if you're only giving it a B-.

If this writing were any more dickish, there would be a vein through the middle of it.

Thanks for the math lesson, chief.

Soft spot for Unforgiven, but NEM is bad. The only songs I can really stand on that album are:

The Black Album has some good jams on it, but this isn't one of them.

Well, it's not like those movies were any good either. I just can't ironically watch these movies just to laugh at how bad they are. It irritates me. I get angry at the opportunity they are spoiling.

I disagree. I get the lack of novelty now, with the internet and everything, but a good heaping of salaciousness actually lends gravity to these schlockfests, in my opinion.

The other major problem is they're on basic cable, which really limits the T & A. I know that sounds awful, but these movies really need that element. The producers are also fucking retarded if they think people want to see MORE of their shitty effects.