Justin Brill

My main complaint about this show is that the characters spend way too much time arguing with each other. It just bogs everything down. Arguing is boring and annoying.


What a fool beliebs, he sees…

Let the audience decide that for themselves. For instance, Harrison Ford is not in any of the ads. So maybe lets ruin that cameo for you. OH HOW MUCH FUNNIER IS THIS NOW THAT SOME SHITASS REVIEWER TOLD ME IT WAS GOING TO HAPPEN! What a nonsense concept. It's funnier upon repeat viewing, not pre-prompted viewing. If

Yo man, why are you repeating jokes from the movie in the review? Half the the fun of the joke is the surprise of it. You're ruining these jokes. You suck.

Yeah, but the writer seems to be using it as "amused." Unless Walt Disney ambles through the film lost in his own thoughts. That might be a more amusing movie, but probably not this movie.

You know, bemused means "confused," right? BOOM!

Uh, Man on Fire is better than this.

This whole article is behind and eminence front…

I thought it was pretty good. Kevin Connolly isn't my favorite, but his narration was at least as good as his Best Buy commercial voice-overs, which I think we can all agree, redefined the genre.

Look at that sallow, shoe polish-dyed hair piece of shit.

I'm coming in late to the game here, but I gotta tell you, Keith, get over your Clint Eastwood ladyboner. This movie was sappy, formulaic garbage that hinged on Amy Adams miraculously discovering an unheralded ace pitcher pitching in the parking lot of her hotel. This is a chick flick about baseball that doesn't get

I'm coming in late to the game here, but I gotta tell you, Keith, get over your Clint Eastwood ladyboner. This movie was sappy, formulaic garbage that hinged on Amy Adams miraculously discovering an unheralded ace pitcher pitching in the parking lot of her hotel. This is a chick flick about baseball that doesn't get

I was ready to hate this article, but I kind of dug it.

Best trolling ever.

Ugh. Tim and Eric over Aqua Teen? That's sacrilege.


"Competence." This word and the Bengals do not belong on the same webpage, unless preceded by "in."

What? Rush and Moody Blues are both definitely prog.

Didn't he voluntarily leave the bus, rather than be kicked off? Also, you should read Rolling Stone's coverage of the Romney campaign bus. It's pretty much exactly as depicted on the show, with press having no access to Romney and just being forced to regurgitate talking points.