Siege Devil

Anyone complain about Tracer’s butt being visible in this video yet?

Whoa Whoa Whoa... back up... Mega Man Legends 2 is coming out for download? Hell. Yes.

Growing up I was too poor to buy these games but always interested... is there a collection out yet or do i have to find them piecemeal?

Probably heard it a dozen times but as a person who loves dead space, i have to say they went along perfectly. DS Isaac is an engineer sent to do a job, hell ensues and he tries his best to survive and GTFO, DS2 Isaac is kinda sorta insane from the markers BUT he knows how to handle necromorphs so while theres fear,

Already 100%’ed this game and while I’ve been WANTING to come back, I’m kind of an achievement whore and just cant bring myself to come back because i’m level 80 playing on the hardest mode and nothing scratches me.... so this... I cant wait for this.

It better be on a mantle somewhere in a glass case... thats all I can say

*Reads the comments.... boggles... looks up...* No... I’m definitely on Kotaku.... thought I was a Jezebel for a second...

So is Tri-Borg Sektor, Cyrax and Smoke? Or is he Sektor Cyrax and a Variable? Because all the fighters have like 3 variations of fighting styles right? So Smoke, Cyber Zero, and someone else, Noob maybe, could be Tri-Borgs variation fighting styles.

*looks at the “Dragon Ball Z Kai is superior thread.* Dragon Ball Z Abridged is the Apex of Dragon Ball Z.... period.

Wild 9 HD remake, Def Jam FFNY 2, Split/Second 2, Deadspace 4, Brutal Legend 2 and 3, Darksiders 3 and 4, and another this gen / next gen Fallout, but by Obsidian.

Anyone besides me like High Moons WFC and FOC more than this game? I played Devastation but honestly was a bored by it very quickly... It had the graphics and the nostalgia I guess but I dunno, I just got bored by the time you fight Thunder Cracker.

Was gonna be so disappointed if Dinky Di got forgotten. Kudos to you

(*Reads* .......wait resurrected what?!!?

That was my BIGGEST problem with the game as well. I beat it then went to replay with powers and stuff i had earned / found and was like ....WTF... where are my powers / artifacts? It was annoying imho and even in the Xbone version they never added it AFAIK unless there’s a button somewhere.

the fruit punch DUB edition is ridiculous. Not to mention the “Rehab”s, they helped so much when I was doing graveyard shift then directly to morning classes. But after I quit the job and the semester ended I was shaking like a fiend trying to get off the constant caffeine drip. Now I drink them only rarely.

....TBH if i got hit by a mini nuke and walked away I’d record that shit and share it. Havent hit any of those glitches on Xbone.

Hope not.... my GF decided to try Fallout for the first time and I did the SPECIAL glitch so her character could have a head start. Its still tough for her but a lot better than it could be. Gotta make a second save file myself so I can have a female character with max SPECIAL as well.

First console to get Def Jam Fight For New York gets my money, time and love.