Siege Devil

I’m black and the way I see it is if you don’t want people to say the n-word, don’t put it in your rap lyric. Honestly it’s not a big deal and like... it’s a word who cares. People give words too much power nowadays. People say “Oh but the history behind the word” and imo that’s the past and this is the present, it’s

In other words, you felt peer pressure from a game and now want all of us to peer pressure gaming companies into making game that doesn’t peer pressure you back?

I love that bit about the alien in Isolation. i remember that when I got the flamethrower, I actually became quite aggressive, and would get the alien to notice me so I could flame it. I figured that an alien hiding in the ducts liking ts wounds was better than trying to sneak past one out in the open. It got to a

Cayde doesn’t have teeth.

Brink was a ton of fun. To use it as the bar for “shit” is ridiculous.

Brink was a great game fucked by the worst network infrastructure ever designed.

Does that mean he’s not coming on then?

Maybe this is because I just finished watching The Keepers, but the fact that the principal actually said she had to come with him/her to the changing/dressing area gives me pause. I wouldn’t go back with him/her either. That’s really creepy.

I haven’t said it in a very long time, but I’m not my grandparents and somebody will catch these hands.

This is what white people do, everyday in large and small ways to PoC. They antagonize and antagonize and antagonize you, it gives them a sense of false worth to feel better than. It’s their whole persona, being “better than”. “I may be poor, but at least I ain’t a nigger!” White people are fully aware of the

I find this amusing because his vanilla design is based on Mad Max (as is Junkrat’s), like, that’s his default state lol. I think you are confusing “Mad Max looks” with fetish gear.

I started D&D on the first edition when I was twelve. I happen to be female. It was our habit to draw a representation of our characters and use them as screens so that other players couldn’t see your notes / character sheets. Myself and the other female player always drew our characters (not well) in the usual half

I did look, as evidenced by the fact that I mentioned many of my favorites were available. You could have read.

I never get tired of that gif

It would nice if PotG acknowledged me when I used Zenyatta’s ult to save my team from a wipe while we were all trapped by Zarya’s Graviton Surge.

Jesus, I forgot that this is Jezebel and any kind of criticism against women is evil LOL sigh.

I used to hate the sexifying of bullshit characters so much, but now I love it. There’s nothing more satisfying than seeing stupid women wear these costumes and truly believe they look fantastic.