Ok I know ZILCH about the JC games, never really been interested, this one looks neat. Again, I know nothing about this game BUT am I the only one seeing John Winchester as the main character?
Ok I know ZILCH about the JC games, never really been interested, this one looks neat. Again, I know nothing about this game BUT am I the only one seeing John Winchester as the main character?
As a fan of 3 and NV, who spent money on the pip boy edition, I agree with you. The only reason I’ve gotten as far as I have is because of being a veteran from 3 and NV. My GF got interested in this game that takes attention away from her and tried to play it and told me just how badly it explained things, she was…
THANK YOU. Every time I bring that up, the PC’s either shut up or say it “didnt count”, like a child playing cops and robbers.
Didnt realize it was going to be live action like that, figured it’d be like Beowulf, the.... live / cgi overlayer type. Still I’m excited and cant wait to watch it.
In 4 it was all sizzle and no steak. sure the powers were there, but they were mostly just loud and showy, I never “felt” powerful in that game if that makes sense. Not like in H.U.D. or Prototype. One should mention the Infamous series as an amazing power trip, even without breakable environments.
As a lover of Prototype(s( and Saints Row, you’re completely right. While good, they dont compare to the sheer power or destruction you saw in Ultimate Destruction. You were powerful as Mercer and Heller, but it was just insane the amount of damage you could do as Hulk. No clue why the person said Saints, I wouldnt of…
Thats just Lords of Shadow...
Greymon... its not even a fair fight. Considering like the shortest Greymon is like 20 feet tall and the biggest I’ve seen was in the movie and he was like... 50 or 60 feet. Nova flame would leave nothing but Charizard ash.
Digimon talk and are intelligent with their own personalities even if they’re the same species. Their digivolving process is more like a tree than the straight stick that pokemon have. Its more like sending your best friend into a boxing match than your favorite pet into a dog fighting ring. Watch season 1 and 2 on…
*Looks at his screen name Icon* Didnt even give “Digimon Tamers” a chance? Megidramon would burn your team to ash....
......Markiplier is gonna cryyyyyyyyy............. I cant wait.
*3 Days worth of time into mad max, Clearing all threat before moving on to next areas* .........*looks up from the dust* wait... theres a.... there’s a first person mode while driving!?!??!!?! THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING. Especially since an online error wiped all my save data 5 hours ago and I’m currently starting…
So just making doubly sure before I buy these, they are the season passes correct? All the episodes? Because this deal is insane on the SHEER AMOUNT of story content.
So just making doubly sure before I buy these, they are the season passes correct? All the episodes? Because this…
BULLETSTORM!!!!! Loved that game... still waiting for my damn sequel Ass Maggot!
I’m not a woman, lemme preface with that.
*Looks at all the replies* Actually the only way I killed RAAM was with my cousin who as CP *cerebal palsy*, he hid and roadie ran, popped off a few shots *bad hands so he missed most* and helped distract RAAM from killing me while I was wearing him down. He got to play a game and I got a hard achievement.
*Sits and waits for Team Rocket comments to fill the section.*
I play the modern CoDs because I actually like the stories, its a guilty pleasure for me. I rent them, play the story mode till it runs out of achievements then send it back. Black Ops 2 confused and scared the hell out of me the second play through. Like you said it was standard fare most of the time and it didnt…
War Zone was the most legit Punisher movie so far. The R rating made that movie amazing. The “The raid” “Dredd” “The protector” kill scene at the end was awesome too. I will never not watch that movie.
Woof... that was brutal...