Justin Baptista

Yeah. It was mostly a solid season outside of the contrived storyline of Kev and V's marriage problems (I mean these two got through Kev having sex with V's mom to have a baby) and the season-ending tease of Jimmy coming back.

Yes, the Showtime Curse. Dexter, Nurse Jackie, Californication, Weeds, and Homeland have all been victims of it. It's interesting the shows that have gone for a while end up worse off than before while most of the shows that have ended early prematurely or not go out in solid shape like United States of Tara, The

Great finale. Better than Queer as Folk's final episode.

I liked Angel's first season more than Buffy's and Dollhouse's. It wasn't great but it seemed more solid to me compare to the other two.

That was a better first episode of the series than the actual first episode. Less boring bits and more interesting ones.

That would be such a chilling end to the season. Even the thought of it gives me the creeps.

I was kind of hoping Season 5 would be the show's last with everything that's going on with Nick/Adalind and the Black Claw conspiracy.

I love that moment at the bar. Lip needed the reality check. Sometimes, he gets his head far up his own ass.

Yeah. Why they didn't just kill him off in Season 4 and have the family deal with life without him?

Well, maybe next season that they'll have Fiona just take a break from romantic relationships and explore life without a boyfriend or husband. It's less melodramatic that way and gives Fiona some room for good character development.

I agree that this show lacks a clear sense of direction. Without a defined sense of where Shameless is going, each season will amount nothing more than going through the motions.

I only wished Cary had made the decision to quit episodes ago.

Your review is right on the money about everything. I'm surprised the show was renewed for a sixth season concerning how poorly it has been doing lately.

That would be a sad ending. I rather Alicia goes out on an empowering note.

Yeah, I am loathing Debbie this season and last season with her obsessive, single-minded behavior. I understand she's a teenager now but some of her actions like sleeping with a guy who's drunk without his consent to lose her virginity go beyond normal teenage stuff.

Yeah, I miss the old Lip-Ian dynamic too. I miss how the show was in the first three seasons.

Gus's FU song to Fiona was downright brutal. I understand it comes from a place of heartbreak. But I had no idea Gus could be that cruel.

I was hoping to see the hotel destroyed too and for March to get what he deserved after all the bloodshed and mayhem he has caused.

I think Lowe is the Ten Commandments killer, only he doesn't know it yet. The chief mentioned Lowe having a breakdown five years ago. I think, as a result of being under great psychological stress, John developed a split personality that became the Ten Commandments killer. I think he took over John during his time

I think Gabriel will have a hand in Martha's death, seeing her as a loose end that needs to be dealt with despite Philip's efforts to protect her.