Justin Baptista

I got to say Leland may be a self-serving prick but he has such witty one-liners.

I don't see this sexual attraction you see between Matt and Foggy. Yes, there was that moment Foggy acknowledged how good looking Matt is. But I don't think there wasn't anything more behind it and I didn't feel that attraction in the second flashback.

The combination of this episode and the previous one, World on Fire, work as an exciting piece of television. The kind that leaves you pumped for what comes next.

That was very good. Top notch editing.

It frustrates me this is how the State Attorney storyline ends. What a giant waste of time. But Alicia's reaction over her loss did touch me and the storyline involving Kalinda, Diane, and Cary has me looking forward to the rest of the season.

I strongly disagree with you about the show lacking nuance and that the storytelling is heavy-handed. I personally felt the opposite when watching the show.

I loved everything about this episode, even the subplot involving Foggy and Karen.

I wish that show had ended after Season 2. The finale felt right then as the end. Everything else since then feels like the show is just doing things to keep the wheels turning.

I have mixed feelings about this. I was hoping that the Season 4 finale was the last episode. Now that there's another season, I fear some of what happened in the finale may get undone like Clyde's growth over the course of the season with what he learned from his time with his father and his relationship with Kelsey.

I found it touching how concerned Duffy was by Mike getting shot repeatedly by Katherine. It shows there is a part of him that does give a crap about others.

I guarantee that Ian will end up regretting his decision to run away with Monica next episode and go back home to the family that's good for him instead of staying the family that isn't.

Glad that Finn is going to be Alicia's deputy director. Gives me some hope for the two of them.

I'm just glad the show was given a special to wrap things up.

I still have hope for Alicia/Finn even though it's put on the backburner lately. I think the Alicia/Elfman relationship won't last long.

Yeah. The final episode was Rubber Room. Yes, the ending didn't tie everything up in a big bow. But it did tie up Van Buren's cancer storyline and leaves the fight for justice ongoing along with the lives of those who take part in that fight. It's the perfect ending for a series like Law and Order.

I kind of like this original version of the series, especially the part about it being a trilogy. Yes, each installment would be very long but the overall structure does flow together.

Horrible idea. Don't do it, NBC. Please for the love of God. Let Law and Order rest in peace. The ending was fine the way it was.

Yeah, I consider those scenes to be among the series' best as well. I hope the rest of the season keeps up this level of excellence. It's been sorely missed since Season 1.

I would hate for that relationship to go too which is why I hope next episode doesn't end Kitty's presence in the show and result in some kind of reset to the status quo of Season 2, a season that I wasn't very fond of in certain aspects.

Giving the finale a B+ rating felt generous to me. I honestly would give it a C- rating. It had a couple of good scenes but, outside of that, it was mostly filled with stuff that I no longer care for or never care about in the first place. I wasn't moved by Jax's death like I was when Walter White died. I wanted it to