Justin Baptista

I recall at the time, Nadine was coming out of a period of having mentally regressed into her teenage self and clung onto Ed once restored back to sanity. The circumstances have changed since then. Ed and Nadine had 25 years to make another go at their marriage. It ultimately failed, causing Ed to feel profoundly

I have a feeling that it is. Nadine seems to have no intention of going back on her decision. Like she told Ed, she had plenty of time to change her mind during her long walk. Besides, the show is close to its end. It was said a while back that The Return was designed as an one-time, closed-ended event. It would be a

I agree and I hope so too.

I love how meaningful the golden shovel became in the resolution of the Nadine-Ed-Norma romantic triangle.

I believe they are husband and wife with an open relationship since Hutch is fine with Chantal sleeping with Dark Cooper.

I think Steven killed or badly hurt Bobby's daughter which was what drove him to kill himself or at least try to. We're not yet sure if he was successful.

Perhaps that's kind of the point. Her romanticized view of the past and the people who were a part of it. That's what probably draws her to Red who somewhat resembles Bobby back when he was a bad boy.

I see a mixture of David Letterman and Larry Sanders in Scott's performance.

It sounds like a complicated situation in which both siblings are in the right and the wrong like Jimmy and Chuck from Better Call Saul.

Ain't that the truth.

I think he meant Josh.

I hope to God that they don't get divorced. I prefer that Season 4 test the marriage, and have them come out on the other side with a better understanding of each other and their relationship.

It warms my heart that Josh and Lucy made it ok and happily married. I was worried that something would go wrong and they would break up which would lead to Josh being single again next season. But I am so glad the show isn't interested in moving backwards.

A lot of Season 8 seems like history repeating itself such as Damon's turn to the dark side and the involvement of another powerful Big Bad with personal baggage. It's all boringly repetitive. Even Ripper Stefan which used to be a source of genuine terror on the show. For the past few seasons, Vampire Diaries has felt

I agree with you about Lip. He gets too clever for his own good and that will be his downfall. Hopefully, he will come out of this situation knowing better.

I don't care if this episode wasn't very remarkable. I still enjoyed it and I found its message to be quite impactful. I also wished there was a spin-off centered on Karin and Blue's investigations. Where they left Blue made me cheer with joy.

It looks like him but he seems different somehow.

Thanks for the correction.

Yeah, Ian didn't have to rush into a new relationship after Mickey. It would have made sense if he didn't feel emotionally ready for that and decided to put all his energy into being an EMT. Caleb was a decent guy, at least in the beginning, but a boring character.

I like Fiona's attitude but I worry if some of it is fueled by Fiona's unresolved anger towards Frank and Sean.