
You are not wrong my friend, quick, we need to find a big iceberg within the next 5 months!

maybe but only because they wrongly think their chances of taking advantage of the customer will be lower, but once they get started on making a sale, they will try to screw anyone and everyone as much as possible to pad their commission.

I’m sure there are different levels of effort depending on how you look, gender, etc, but a salesperson is not going to give someone a better deal or not try to fleece them for every penny to pad their commission once they get started with a customer. They’ll take as much as they can from anyone who walks in the door.

There’s a massive difference between knowing internal medicine and knowing basic math. And yes, the education system in this country is total shit, which I mentioned in another comment. But that’s why there are requirements in place for dealers banks etc to show you the details of a loan, how much you’re paying for a

I think it’s time (again) to remember the 1/3 pound burger and why it failed.

Or buy a gigantic vehicle with a large displacement motor, then add some heavy chunky “off road” tires and then complain about gas prices going up.

I mean, they give you the sheet that tells you how much the total amount of the payments will be, so you can see how much in total interest your going to be paying even if you don’t know how to compare interest rates directly or know how to put together an amortization table.

Just don’t drop one of those acorns on a police car.

$108K in lease payments? On a SUV that, double checks website, runs around $130K loaded (assumes Grecale Folgore with all the boxes checked.)

At some point, some time, somebody had to have told you not to drink bleach, or you didn’t learn until you could read the bottle. Because children need to learn things, which is why a lot of schools actually do teach primary school kids the dangers of drinking household cleaners and other substances. Ever seen the Mr.

She acts like she was held at gunpoint to accept the terms. you always have the option to say no. Or just take all the paperwork home and go over it with a friend/spouse/accountant. 

No one can actually be this stupid. Right?” You must be new to social media. Right?

This is America we’re talking about. Half the country is this stupid.

Her husband got a similarly shitty loan, so what’s his excuse?

Now you know why certain people in power do everything they can to destroy the education system in the US.

These are the same people who loudly, stridently moan about the Biden economy which in reality is amazingly good by any metric.

I assure you, lots of people can be this stupid. Just look around the next time you’re driving. There’s no way all the people you’re passing are making enough money for it to be financially responsible to have an $80k truck/SUV.

There’s a reason payday loan shops love republicans

“I got taken advantage of!”

“I did not go with my husband and as a female I feel they took advantage of me.”