
Journalists sitting in the same room as politicians and pretending to be nice is something that we all should find horrifying.

I’m not interested in Richard Simmons or a movie about him, but I would think the prerequisite for an actor playing him would be, I don’t know, skill in acting.

The 1990s were kinda a time he was visible a lot, on Letterman especially, but I’d say his real peak fame was, no kidding, late 1970s and early 1980s, when he was a tv fitness and exercise guru. Any attention after that, and there was a lot at times, would never have happened without that original identity as someone

Where most Americans live, cars are a necessity.

Oh, and he says “amaze-balls.” In 2024!”

If Pauly is crying because he found out Simmons doesn’t like him,   wait until he finds out what the rest of the world thinks about him

I can’t imagine that there is anyone on Earth who would want Pauly Shore to play them in a film biopic. Plus — let’s face it — even as close as he is to aerobicsing off this moral coil, Richard Simmons is still looking better than Pauly Shore.

Slow news day?

Can anything be done?

Come on people pull yourself up by your bootstraps, if you can’t afford the regular servicing on your Chiron there is something wrong with you 

“But if the bank is willing to give me the loan that must mean I can afford it!”

you just shouldn’t buy the most expensive car you can “afford”. If you can swing $500 a month try and get a less expensive car at $400 a month and put the 100 into savings for car repairs/ emergency fund. People just look at monthly payment but don’t think about maintenance and then the first or second most expensive

LOL you believe anything the cops say

All your boot licking won’t save you if they decide it’s your turn. 

Are there really people trying to defend shooting 96 times at someone? Isn’t their job to arrest him, not turn him into a fine powder?

“Of course we have a clear defense of our officers’ actions,” John Catanzara Jr. wrote in an email to CNN.“

The show has plenty of steam left.

You’re more addicted to the Biden family than Hunter ever was to crack🤣

You’re mentally ill