Yeah - polio also affected her spine. It’s visible when the camera shows her and Hollywood from the rear view - she isn’t able to stand up straight.
Yeah - polio also affected her spine. It’s visible when the camera shows her and Hollywood from the rear view - she isn’t able to stand up straight.
That’s the problem - “as far as I know.” You actually don’t know shit about shit, but it sure as fuck didn’t stop you from advocating anyone in program should not only skate, but essentially make decisions for others that they should be allowed to make for themselves. Deception is a major component of addiction - how…
Oh, gee - is it, rlly? Guess what - writing to a generic advice column when you’re in a sexual addiction program that’s specifically structured to have sponsors who’ve been there and seen all the enabling bullshit and ass-covering excuses there are, exactly smacks of trying to get a permission slip to not have to…
Thanks - and you’re absolutely right that his wife’s health should be more important than any resulting fallout. Someone upthread was spot-on when they stated that the reason he’s writing to an advice column in the first place is because he doesn’t have (or won’t ask) a sponsor, because he’s still looking for someone…
Aw, damn...coming from you, that just made my day! Now, if only I could get out of the grays....
Wonderers like this Inaction Man just tut a lot - that’s their best thing. “Oooh, we’re just so flummoxed and sick, but what should we dooooo?” “it’s just too overwhelming, all this behavior is so completely off-the-charts pathological I don’t know where to begin” and in the end they just conclude that it’s…
We’re both right = I believe it’s GBBO in the UK, but PBS in this country presents it as The Great British Baking Show, which is admittedly a dumber and less exciting title, but the only version I’ve ever seen. Now that it’s going to be Berryless (as well as Mel and Sue-less) because it’s moved with Paul Hollywood to…
Ir’s always interesting to come across someone who’s been microwaved as a child. Were you put on “defrost” or just “popcorn”?
Thanks - I didn’t actually need to sleep tonight anyway.
Accuracy, please - the vaccine had to go through clinical trials and wasn’t available until April ‘55. If you ever watch The Great British Baking Show, the reason Mary Berry’s left hand grip looks odd is that she had polio as a kid.
I was gonna say, for DNA reasons let’s hope your MIL had friends of her own, then I say you’d written “stepfather.” Yay!
FUCK, YES! Come over here and sit by me - I have vodka, and between us we can solve all the rest of the world’s problems.
The difference is that in AA putting someone else at risk for an STD isn’t generally the immediate consequence of your being an alcoholic, so this really smacks of false equivalence. Until you can give someone else HIV, HPV or PID just from your taking a drink, SAA’s “adaption” must require informing others that their…
Wow, am I ever glad that I’ll never be a position where I have to depend on you to not put my health and life at risk because you’re so love with your ability to figure the odds.
I’m thrilled to report that I, too, am not friends with Mayim Bialik.
He was OK with women checking the computations that got him back home - remember, for him that amounted to basically confirming the figures that Flight’s computer had come up with. But otherwise? Forget it. When it came to allowing women into the military, or else establish a civilian training program, to enable them…
Yeah, no - you’re not “clearing up” anything. We got it the first time, but bad mouthing is still bad mouthing. What you’re now trying to do now is justify it. (“It’s not without cause! I wait until she does something before I vent!”) Of course he “picks up on it” if you’re quick to attribute the situation to her…
“How does a fathers bad mouthing the mother hurt the child?”
I can’t decide whether it best resembles a pair of spectacularly inflamed testicles teabagged right under his chin, or a ruptured heart where he’d normally have one if he weren’t a republidouche.