
Ugh, those PJs. I bet the bottoms have feet attached. And he got ‘em only because he couldn’t find an actual onesie.

She slipped and fell onto the propeller, which just happened to be...uh...inside the sub because it’s an experimental one that doubles as a cooling fan. Cavitation is a real bitch, amirite?

What he didn’t think through was that he wouldn’t be believed. Madsen has a reputation for being an aggressive asshole, bad tempered and argumentative as hell, which probably ensures he gets his own way 99.99% of the time. That sort of entitlement eventually translates to “No one will question what I tell them. Why

It won’t take that long. It’s amazing that Hitler ever came to power, since after May of 1945 no Germans could be found who supported him.

Righteousness. There’s no better high than knowing that God loves you best, so that’s why He gave you the most privileges.

You got that right. No surprise that he’s also abusive to his GF; unfortunately, it’s not her first such relationship. He actually called my mom once because the latch on the downstairs garage/cellar door was broken and the GF wasn’t being careful about closing it, so he thought he should “fine” her for her

Just what sort of commie world do ya think you’re living in, missy?

The pathology is impossible for any rational person to cope with, because the spin is truly delusional. My brother’s revisionism goes waaay beyond the normal cushion we give ourselves - it’s such outrageous, outright lying that any normal person would be embarrassed to try and sell it to themselves, let alone anyone

A stroke often renders one incoherent. How would they be able to tell?

Yeah, denial at that level is a lot of fun.

if someone criticizes him, or if someone stops him from trying to do something or seeks to control him.

Christ, when you consider what lengths Hugo Boss has gone to to try to distance the company today from the original designer’s Third Reich uniforms, it just shows what amoral fascist asskissers these fuckers are. And all to keep their rent from going up. There’s nonpartisan, and then there’s actively sucking Hitler

Fuck this guy. In the ear.

The Daily Stormer posted nothing but insults regarding Heyer’s appearance , claiming she was a drain on society because she was obese, i.e. being “too fat to dodge a Dodge” or some such obscenity - which earned them being kicked off GoDaddy’s domain. So natch Drumph is trying to smooze over that little oopsie by

Also, most stores have things like celery by the stalk.

Nor would she be “still the most beautiful one in the room.”  

Which set?

You’re right - dammit, it just shows how fucking mediocre Fallon is that I can’t tell them apart. So yeah, fuck Fallon even without that.

No redemption for Fallon. Ever. I don’t give a fuck how many sick kids he now uses to prove how much he really, really gets how good health care is totes important for everyone, his eternal need to suck up to everyone for approval gave Trump a vital platform to try and destroy it for everyone who ain’t a millionaire