
Please. If you know anything about Fallon, it’s that he doesn’t have the balls to mock anyone on his show, let alone Trump. His objective in life is to create inane “feel good” moments, so he approaches all his guests like a tail-wagging puppy, begging them to play along with him and then scratch his belly at the

I’m all for buying a ticket to DC and giving that a try. Also, flashcards.

Yeah, but at least you get stabilizing treatment - and I wonder if you’d have to pay for an ambulance ride to a facility that can treat GSW. If they’d been able to do a blood draw when she showed up , that could have been enormously helpful for establishing if she’d been drugged, even if they couldn’t administer a

I agree that it’s outrageous - if being drugged and raped isn’t a fucking emergency, just what the hell is? Turning away someone who’s in need of help really runs counter to the reason most health care workers cite for wanting to go into the profession in the first place - so what the fuck? My point is that primum

Oh, I totally agree. But reporting all gunshot wounds to the police and collecting any bullets that they remove from the victim is also a legal mandate, not a medical requirement - and I’ve yet to hear of any ER that sends a victim with a gunshot wound to another hospital 45 minutes away because no one is trained to

To be technical “first, do no harm” as a medical principle can’t exactly be leveled if you’re not even treating a patient in the first place. What’s outrageous and disgusting is to find that out that not every ER is equipped to treat someone who’s suffered a sexual assault because they don’t have rape kits available.

So, we don’t need studies on anything as long as you’re around. Good to know. Now explain how your vaunted “common fucking sense” has fuck all to do with disproving that figure, seeing as how you’re not a college administrator, not female, not on the staff of the CDC, not involved in the National Criminal Justice

On what, exactly? Your baseless opinion??

So does that sorta make Trump Old Spice?

Pffft...I’m giving him three to five.

Bite your tongue. Now I’m gonna live to 145 just to show you.

Just so long as we didn’t step all over each other’s tabards!

Oh, wait - I see what you mean in the your first comment. I meant that “pedantic” or “didactic” covered how he corrected her terminology, with however much condescension could be perceived (the correctee usually claims they were buried under a heap of it). I didn’t mean that either term was an adequate substitution

Being pedantic or didactic usually covers it.

Like this, you mean?

He’s a fucking shitty troll, so really - what else can you expect? We need to get a better class of wankers. Or not.

He’s a troll with meager resources and very short fuse once those are exhausted, so yeah - his Mom by the basement light is probably all he has to go by.

Probably because you have tits.

You won this one - not only was he sooo obvious at the outset, but he’s already calling you a bitch and telling you to suck a dick, so about one comment is all he’s good for before he outs himself. Is there a troll rank lower than mediocre? Because this fuckwitted shitstain already hit “piss-poor” earlier.

Oh, can you? Mummy told you that, did she? Actually, you’re wrong - no one here gives a ripe fuck about your precious opinion on her looks, or, indeed, whether anything else about her physical appearance pleases you or meets with your fuckwitted approval. This is because, and I’m sure you’ve heard it here before -