This isn’t really relevant but JESUS H. CHRIST OF NAZARETH she’s dead but you’re alive posting shit like this??!? Damn - talk about no justice, huh?
This isn’t really relevant but JESUS H. CHRIST OF NAZARETH she’s dead but you’re alive posting shit like this??!? Damn - talk about no justice, huh?
Go back to the mother ship immediately - you obviously got overlooked when it came to basic chip implantation.
Hey, I always figured if you’re a moron with bad hair and a history of bankruptcy and multiple lawsuits for scamming people, the last thing you’d want to do is run for president - and we all know how that turned out.
Shed all your preconceptions - I bet you’ll be hooked in the first 30 seconds. It’s violent, funny as fuck, and assumes you’ll have the mother wit to keep up with it - oh yeah, and I should mention that just about every Brit gangster film I can think of that was made after it, such as Sexy Beast, owes a major debt to…
Godfuckingdammit, you beat me to it. John D. always got to the heart of the matter - unblinkingly, without any self-deception or sentimentality. I miss him.
Guy Ritchie’s Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels! If you’ve never seen one of his “lad-centric” films, you’re in for a treat.
I swear, this never gets old. The entire film is sheer perfection.
‘Oh, God, she’s such a vapid moron that I can’t even. I was stuck in a hospital waiting room and had to listen to her ponderously deep thoughts on Trump Jr.’s collusion with Russia to throw the election, to wit: “Well, you know, politics is a dirty business.”
Graeter’s Handcrafted French Pot ice cream is incredible, and while you might not be able to get it everywhere, they DO ship orders. They have a lot of gluten and allergen free flavors - since I don’t have any issues like that I can’t speak to cross contamination or say anything other than their coconut chocolate chip…
Certainly more useful.
Are you still here? Christ, pouncing on obvious sarcasm in a desperate attempt to score a hackneyed *yawn* rightwing talking point is about as lame as you can get. Find some traffic. Go play in it.
Why didn’t someone show up with a .416 Remingtom and start bagging some really rare and elegant trophies for their game room wall? Tsk, people just don’t take African safaris seriously enough these days.
Not after an hour into the flight, they weren’t. The article states that at a lower altitude the door could have been opened, but not that they were at cruising at same.
I want to live for the day when they realize they can’t drink money, but I’m afraid that for them it’ll just mean “we’ll just bathe in Sparklett’s or champagne - what’s the big deal?”
Can you believe what they did to try and skew the survey, to make it look as though there was no problem? Talk about a fucking outrage - they knew kids were being poisoned and still let politics and their own careers rule them because hey, who could touch them? They were gonna be Teflon-coated. Burning at the stake…
That’s a natural assumption, but since he often brought some of those young women home to his wife for a hot meal and a place to spend the night, kind of unlikely. He helped to maintain a hostel where his rescues could sleep, get regular meals and medical attention, and, if she took on any employment his assistants…
We’re cool - and all the best to you, too. Tone can be hard to read sometimes, and seeing “you’re just jealous” happens to trip the troll radar for me. I don’t use the term idly - I try to check other posts to see if it’s overused, because that’s a dead giveaway.