
Wow, you’re gonna be sorry you asked. The sort of license you’re thinking of was a lot more open in both Regency and Edwardian England - Victorian moderation was a reaction to the excesses of the former and a reflection in the rear view mirror for the latter. In Edwardian times it might have been winked at, but was

In this case, A is for “adequate”.

Well, something chicken, since it definitely laid an egg with that one.

Irony, my fucking ass. Ever read its other posts? Everyone who’s critical of its posts and/or its soi-disant heroes is automatically “jealous” because they’re ugly, whether it be Megan Kelly (that thread’s a real hoot - see, everyone there is jealous and bitter and totes never got ahead in life because they’re ugly

Not a gag-fest in that they weren’t dancing on a floor covered with hog fat, or something else? ;D Assemblies actually were a big deal as far as entertainment went, and thanks to the waltz being introduced from Germany, after it stopped being considered scandalous in the late 1820's, a man could actually make

So...hunt and pecker, amirite?

Closet cannibal. Seriously, I’m taking bets.

It’s the “don’t do it again” bit he’d have real difficulty with. Contrition and absolution in the “go forth and sin no more” aspect just isn’t realistic here.

The review is from 2001, not 2011 - it’s a typo. Watson was all of ELEVEN YEARS OLD.

Damn, just read this - I’m so sorry. Lost my own fuzzy 7 years ago and still remember how much it hurt to come home from the vet without her and see all her toys waiting. I bet Zoe was comforted to have you with her at the end.

Please- nothing so primitive. You missed the bit about mass-produced toothbrushes being a thing in the mid 1800's, but they were first invented in the 1770's when a dude called William Addis, who had been jailed for riot, was made to use a broom to sweep the prison floor and thought “why not do the same to teeth?”

All in all though, no. Again, exactly which “Victorians” are you referring to? The working and poorer classes lived in conditions that would gag a goat, so odors like that probably wouldn’t have phased them much - but these weren’t the people who would ever have either the time or disposable income to find out. Do

Heh, like hell I did - but that has nothing to do with how people smelt, because who (other than an ostler) rolls around in horseshit?

Honestly, aren’t I just a little ray of sunshine? I honestly wasn’t trying to be flip, and I sincerely hope it’s not the case, but any weird olfactory phenomena without a source (like smelling popcorn, poo, etc. when none of that is around) is a classic sign and maybe deserves a look-see.

Common misconception, but no. Unpleasant smells marked you as a member of the lower class (urine was still used as a disinfectant or grease-cutter among the poor, just as it was during Roman times), so one’s cleanliness became a part of the social hierarchy.

Or it could be a brain tumor.

And out of the effluent areas.

Well, at least one part of you will get a workout.

First off, you have to realize that all of Homolka’s statements are self-serving and often full of holes. And in the “actual pictures of her head after being beaten by a flashlight” - ever notice that she’s wearing lip gloss? Her testimony that she lived in quaking fear of him blew up in her face when she had to