
And what you’ve conveniently forgotten is that the deal that was offered to her was made before the prosecution found the videotapes hidden in their home - tapes that showed she wasn’t just a “witness” or a compliant, battered wife, but an active, eager participant in not only the drugging and raping of her younger

Not so - if you unzip him, you’ll find J. Edgar Hoover in a garter belt.

Wrong. Only in Federal court is that a Constitutional requirement - unanimity is not mandated in state criminal trials. Oregon and Louisiana have been operating on this system for decades.

Well, there’s your first problem - no one who does like ‘em and has tried Chobani’s coconut or mango or coffee would want to chow down on Tillamook’s plain ol’ boring no flavor if they didn’t have to. If you don’t like any flavored yogurts, fine - hey, all the more for me - but you shouldn’t call the brand “garbage”

Shame it wasn’t lethal.

Balls to that. You try to take my Key Lime Flip away from me and I’ll cut you like bad bangs.

Think so? Take a look at the British press today and get back to me.

There’s a great line in The Moon Is Blue -”People who advertise are anxious to sell something.” Keep on singing your own praises and wax rhapsodic about how truly Teflon you are - maybe you’ll convince yourself.

Your “what if” premise was anything but - it read as a statement of fact, which is why I asked where that assumption came from. By stating that she had no right to have the stroller, you most certainly were blaming her, but you go right ahead and claim you actually wrote something else and that it actually wasn’t the

What got me was the film totally cut his last, best [dying] line: “How does it feel to be so beautiful?” That line puts so much into context, but it also humanizes his need not only to be a woman, but one who is also desired - so of course it needs to go.

Weight limit wasn’t even an issue here - when was the last time anyone weighed your carry-on luggage at check-in? Look, most carry-on luggage is restricted by size/dimensions, as in “it has to fit in this box,” which is primarily why it isn’t weighed at check-in.

My point is that you first blamed the passenger by stating that she “wasn’t supposed to have the stroller.” Seriously, first sentence, how hard is that? My point is that whatever criticism you gave the FA after that came across as his basically overreacting to her bringing something on board that shouldn’t have been

Where do you get that “she wasn’t supposed to have a stroller”? Umbrella strollers are just what their name suggests - strollers that collapse flat on themselves, and for that reason are def permitted as carry-on luggage. They can usually fit on top of a carry-on, or between two carry-ons, in an overhead bin. They

The man’s a basilisk, so no fucking way.

Simple - racist white men like him fear comparison.

Heh, mine always heard me coming up the walk . She’d stick her head right through the wooden blinds of my 2nd floor apartment and squall her head off, like “finally, you’re hoooome!”

I don’t.

You know what his blue collar/small business supporters say when I tell any of them about the piano dealer he stiffed and finally paid something like .30 on the dollar?

If by “vasectomy” you mean crushing his brains miniscule cock and balls between two large rocks, then I’m on board. God hasn’t told me He’s not OK with it, and silence means consent for me.

Raucous Flatulence.