We couldn’t be that lucky.
We couldn’t be that lucky.
Where were these people 15 years ago when the Patriot Act was first introduced?
I think the two cared for one another and went into the marriage with the best intentions
To the privileged, equality will always feel like oppression.
Do you get extra points if you’re wearing your Hitler Trump Youth uniform at the time, or is just a simple armband and red hat sufficient?
It’s simple - bigots don’t trust anyone with dark skin or an accent. They see them all as incompetents, no better than witch doctors, because they all trained in backward medical schools. Only American whites, or whites with an acceptable accent (English, German and maybe French) are decent doctors - those are the…
Since the manager only offered to seat them elsewhere, rather than immediately yanking him off the floor and then letting ALL of his staff know that they aren’t in charge of vetting anyone’s ID, obviously he felt management approved of his righteous quest to only serve pure Americans and legal immigrants.
There’s a time to stand up and be counted if you claim to be a feminist, and there’s a time to be called out if you bail at a critical juncture because you don’t want people to be mad at you and besides, you have to wash your hair. No one says Swift has to follow Kirk’s my-way-or-the-highway stance, but if Swift has…
Don’t engage. Any fucknugget who constantly refers to himself in the third person is far too ridiculous to bother with. Just let him fulminate in a vacuum - it’s really comical to see just how many times he’ll drop the same piece of shit comment all over a thread in order to get a response.
“fellow human beings”?
Nope. Chutzpah is best defined as “having more nerve than an aching tooth.” It’s not usually a positive or admirable thing - it’s more along the lines of “how the fuck do you dare to do that?” Think of someone who murders both their parents, and then petitions the court for leniency on the grounds that they’re an…
Let’s just say that no one is surprised by your flaccid outline and utter lack of balls.
This. SO THIS. The media is utterly complicit in getting Drumph elected, and I hold them responsible - the only time I ever saw outrage and pushback was when Cheetolini claimed the reason that file footage of those 9/11 Muslim supporters that he personally saw rejoicing in Jersey didn’t exist because “the media”…
Florida? Still there? Why the fuck is that people like Casey Anthony, George Zimmerman, Marco Rubio and Rick Scott are never the ones that get leprosy? Or Zika? Why do your infinite number of sinkholes somehow never manage to open up underneath any one of ‘em? Are you waiting for a payoff, or what?
The idea for the International Women’s Strike originated in Eastern Europe and Latin America- hardly bastions of privilege for women. Fuck off and troll better next time.
Hell, noes - why should it? Hey, I trusted Cook to report accurately and just referred to it, but you caught the error and you should be proud of that. I shuttle between coasts and while I know Manhattan, I don’t live there, so what you have to say about the area, re post-inaugural fallout, is very interesting. I’m…
I thought she was easily in her 40s
Nothing jerky at all about it - you’re right, but it’s John Cook who apparently can’t tell the difference. They did deliberately stop traffic at the Hotel with the intent to form a human chain around it, but that’s where the NYPD arrested them - not “outside of Trump Tower” as this account states. That inaccuracy…