
Because the cruelty is the point.

That’s only because he has grenades, flame throwers and mortars on his wish list.

Funny how that “historical analog” works against them when it comes to abortion, which was part of the common law until a fanatical physician started an AMA campaign to criminalize it in 1859. Apparently “originalism” only applies to anything after 1860 - uh, unless it applies to guns.

It’s not “potential Christian babies” - the cruelty is what’s most important.

You left out executing pregnant women. I almost made someone swallow their tongue with rage when they tried to get around that one. I was really hoping for a rage-stroke, but it was a gratifying also-ran.

Cameron, like most thumpers, not only can’t grasp that this country ain’t a theocracy and our laws don’t actually come from the Bible, but he’s - no big surprise - terminally ignorant about the religion he claims to uphold.

That’s nice, dear.

Show this thread to someone else” yet again - jeez, just how thirsty are you? Oh wait, never mind.

Christ, but you’re needy.

My guess is that your picture’s next to the definition. See, pointing out that you were pretty much comparing apples and hand grenades isn’t an “overreaction.” Instead of just accepting that Pratt’s situation did indeed have more meat on the bone, and that you didn’t have the facts, you started tap dancing about “multi

Tsk, better add “self-awareness” to that rapidly growing list.

You actually want even more people to witness your shortcomings?

LOL, you mean like your mommy or the teacher? I can see this is probably a well-entrenched pattern with you - you get defensive at the slightest critism, then DARVO the situation while you bleat for reinforcements.

Tsk, whining is so unattractive. You might want to work on that.

And any lawsuits against them should be paid out of police union and pension funds, not the city or state.

Just as they did Drew Peterson’s.

It’s really too bad the mental health system failed you so utterly. Be brave.

Why? Clearly it hasn’t done anything for you.

Tsk, there’s that projection thing you got going on again. I’m sorry you were so fixating on this that you couldn’t look it up, but hey - I’m sure when enough people start avoiding you, you’ll eventually get around to it,

Nah, because it’s not my ego on the line. I’m not the one bringing half-baked false equivalences, then trying to deny it while getting all defensive.