Do you know any people who have kids with disabilities? One thing they don’t do is gush about how “healthy” their other children are, especially in light of that aspect being a “blessing.”
Do you know any people who have kids with disabilities? One thing they don’t do is gush about how “healthy” their other children are, especially in light of that aspect being a “blessing.”
Nah, you just tried to walk it back with others. I’m not responsible for your getting all huffy because it wasn’t working.
Exactly. I think he pretty much has no self-awareness, but c’mon - at some point when you’re waxing rhapsodic over your new “gorgeous healthy daughter” a dim light bulb should go on over your head if you also have a son who’s had health issues due to premature birth.
LOL, are you under the assumption that you’re capable of winding anyone up? Sorry not sorry, but you equated them when you stated a loving comment about his second wife was seen as a slight against his first wife.
Maher’s comments are idiotic, but maybe it wouldn’t seem like “a stretch” if you actually bothered to learn what the internet dragged Pratt for - because it wasn’t about dissing his ex-wife, but his special-needs son. So it’s not exactly an equivalent situation.
The cruelty is the point.
How better to intimidate an eleven-year-old and her parents than to show up at midnight?
I read this too fast and thought you referred to Bobo having a stroke, then realized that’s an impossibility as you first have to have a brain for that.
Funny, you’d think such a super-special person wouldn’t have to go around asking whether those little unimportant people know just who she is.
Oh, so this. Which is why “astute humility” is such a gawdawful tell, as well as a facepalm. If you’re patting yourself on the back for being so shrewd and cunning, especially when it comes to displaying your humility, then humble is the last thing you are. She’s the same fatuous ass she always was.
Even if she’s still gonna deny vaping, you’d think such a self-proclaimed regular theatergoer would know that photography isn’t allowed.
Kutcher’s organization is supposed to aid preventing child trafficking, but all it actually does is report the location of consenting sex workers, so nah, his claim to doing everything he can to preventing child rape is bullshit. It’s nothing but window dressing. Whining about the “tertiary injustice” of Masterson’s…
So her brother is 27 year old Travis Ikeguchi? Good luck trying to float that one, ace.
Not only is Disney famously not “non-litigious,” but the descendants clause doesn’t “mean Meghan and Harry’s youngest living child!” - it means any of Charles III’s grandchildren. When very last one kicks after outliving all the rest, the Declaration still keeps on going for another 21 years after that. So barring the…
“A deception that elevates us is dearer than a host of low truths.” - Aleksander Pushkin
Now do Donald Trump! Does he have a “laddish sense of humor” as well?
That wasn’t the only occasion - if you read their correspondence it’s amazing how abusive and withholding she was. On one occasion Vicky had a fall - while pregnant, IIRC, and was worried, and Victoria was all “what about me?”
The release says the employee denied her access “based on previous behavior,” so maybe they had to call Hazmat the last time she used the restroom.
You’re off by over a month. Survivor Janny Brandes-Brilleslijper, a camp nurse who attempted to care for them and documented both their deaths from typhus in March 1945, stated “[it] happened just before the liberation” - Bergen-Belsen was liberated on April 15th.
I’m with you - Masshole James is a treasure who’s been here long enough to prove that his comments aren’t gratuitous, reddit-type shite.