
Bless you - he was an awesome Lecter, wasn’t he? Hopkins’ stunt of sucking on his teeth after the “nice chianti” line was weak sauce compared to Cox’s implacable evil.

There’s a classic line from the film The Moon is Blue - “those who advertise usually have something to sell.”

Obviously, no one dumps Jamie Kilstein. He’s always the one that leaves the relationship first - but if he doesn’t, then he’ll revise the facts and make you wish that you had let let him dump you first. Stone cold classic abuse technique right there.

And you don’t think it’s morally superior and self-righteous to smugly pontificate that people should either be celibate or use birth control, because apparently you know for a fact that the only other reason anyone wants an abortion is because they couldn’t be arsed to wear a rubber? Good to know. Yet based on what

What the fuck were they smoking to support him in the first place?

Seriously ? “or baby’s life is in danger”? What the righteous fuck are you using for brains, you daft dimbo? Don’t answer - we already guessed it’s wet sawdust and snot. If you actually did have two working brain cells to rub together you’d know that taxpayer money does NOT pay for abortions. See the Hyde

I got that, but I’m not holding my breath - and not just because the apolitical didn’t actually vote for him. All the kneejerkers I know who did (and that I’m still civil to, which is a rapidly dwindling number because I’m fed up with fucking fools these days) are in complete denial. See, I’m the meanie because I

Oh puhleeze - like the man has any time, what with wiretapping Trump’s phone lines.

They’re dwindling? How? Is someone actually killing them off or are they all just shooting themselves cleaning their guns?

Ugh, I hate that they rape more by 9am than the rest of us do all day.

It’s amazing how much energy you can allocate to growing your hair when you don’t have a conscience or a soul. I swear that bitch must look like fucking Rapunzel at the end of every year.

Yeah, this piece of shit casts a wide net, when the guy who found the skull 6 months later is not only accused of her murder, but then she fingers him for moving the body and then “discovering” it for the reward money. Gaah, can you imagine the trauma that must’ve caused? And guess who’ll never relieve himself by

Oh, agreed. She’s the most smirking, loathsome piece of work to come down the pike that I can remember.

Again, overdosing your kid with chloral hydrate, whether deliberately or inadvertently, still isn’t “poisoning” them in the way MBPS parents do. There’s actually a long tradition of this sedating behavior that goes back to the Victorian “baby farms” where fostered infants were drugged with laudanum - if you dose them

This. They were so arrogant in overreaching, and soooo stunned when they didn’t get the verdict they expected.

Nope. That’s become such a buzzword these days, and it’s really not applicable here. The key component of Munchausen Syndrome or MBPS is attention seeking behavior through exaggerated or manufactured illness, disease or, as in proxy cases, even death so that the “bereaved” parent gets pity and sympathy. While

I think so, too - size definitely matters! *snerk* Keeping a select, almost closed, operation where you obviously care about quality hires means this behavior wouldn’t fly - it would be too easy to get directly in the offender’s face and call them on it, whereas here there’s no means to complain that won’t instantly

“Bigliest”? *snerk* Awww, what a pity it isn’t as easy as scamming people with a phony university degree, huh? Fuck Cheetolini, along with Kim Kardashian for sneering at a “minimum wage work ethic” (like that’s even an actual thing).

Honestly, I’m neither a classist nor a snob. I’m sorry you got hit with being a “burden on society.” Personally, I think it’s a waste if you’re not enjoying your bipolarity to the hilt and milking the system for all the meds you can, because I hear you haven’t lived until you experience tardive dyskinesia, amirite?/s.

Wow, you really didn’t get it. If you’re so determined to be insulted that you actually demand to style yourself as a cretin, you go right ahead - the chip on your shoulder and lack of any sense of humor will guarantee the desired result.