
I co-sign this. Susanne can be the neighbor that makes a cameo every few episodes.

Samira Wiley is so beautiful, and has such a perfectly expressive face. Adore her.

These two need a spin-off, for real. I’d rather watch a show about them than Piper any day. Poussey FOREVER!

It seems like teachers are the targets of these public shaming campaigns more often than other workers. I hear racist crap all the time on my FB feed and no one cares. But if it’s a teacher, all hell breaks loose.

Yeah, I don’t really know what she was thinking. She probably just thought they would go with the theme and didn’t think beyond that.

Hey! The previous government wasn’t bad. It was GREAT for America. America LOVED that government.

Idk, isn’t this kind of a joke on communism, a raspberry kiss just as Cuba is opening up economically? I certainly don’t think it’s as offensive as if it was Hitler.

And then surround them with the rich and beautiful?

I can see all of Miami burning Stella’s clothes and sandals.

While I appreciate your opinion and even agree with it, does the law not define a fetus as human once it exits the womb and takes a breath? Or is that different state by state?

That said, this is a fucked up situation and I don’t care how much you or I support choice, it doesn’t stop being a fucked up situation.

If it exits the body and is living, wouldn’t that make it a baby? I’m fine with abortions, but if it comes out alive and you don’t do anything, that isn’t still a fetus.

But a two month old won’t survive without its mother either. I really really think independent survival isn’t where/why you should draw the line.

I agree with your assessment.

I agree with you but the article states that she delivered in the back of a car and it died after 30 minutes. I don’t agree, but perhaps the fact that it survived for any amount of time after birth is what they are using to justify murder. Not sure how this will go from a legal stand point but since certain groups of

Ah, I think it’s a little more complicated than that at 5 1/2 months of pregnancy where the fetus could potentially be viable. At some stage of the pregnancy we do need to talk about when the fetus is a baby and what rights it has.

I think this case was opened up to murder charges because the fetus survived outside the womb for 30 minutes.

While I’m conflicted on the topic of late abortions ( as soon as the foetus is technically viable, I’m not sure abortion is the right thing to do), charging that women with murder is plain crazy.

God damn. The poor Steenkamp family.