
I just posted a similar comment. I don’t know what happened, but the family should have been more responsible for her. The title here and the tone of some of the comments are rather unfairly blaming the teen, in my opinion. Sure a teen should probably know better, but the parents...are parents...

I agree with Lilly Hungry Hungry Hipster below. Went to a national park when I was ten in the 1980s and saw these same shenanigans. Also, I don’t blame the teen, her host family is supposed to be responsible for her.

I’m confused, was she trying to take a selfie and got too close, unbeknownst to her host family (which should have been watching her anyway, as she is a minor— assuming she is under 18)? Or was her host family taking the picture for her, and let her get too close? I don’t blame the teen at all, really. I don’t know

My god, this woman does not deserve all this. You people are all terrible.

Maybe for similar reasons to why victims of rape have their rapist’s babies.

I like the way you think. If that is what happened with Melissa, it is really sad that this ended up on video. Still doesn’t make it right how she acted, but man.

I’m sure there’s more to it than simply bringing hot food on a plane. Hot food that sits around gets cooler and soggier, and is less palatable. This could be a big deal for a person with autism. Yeah, she could’ve, but ya’ll are participating in major mother blame. Screw that.

God I am hating the mother blame in this thread.

Unprepared? :( It’s not like the mom could bring a hot sandwich on board. And the crew could’ve helped more, the mom was getting desperate, she probably wasn’t thinking “terrorist” violence but the self harm her daughter would do.

The name Esther Horton straight up sounds like a witch’s name.

I posted this on the last Boko Haram article, and I’m not criticizing Gawker media but media in general, but: What is up with the photos? Are these photos of victims of Boko Haram? If so, why the fuck are they being posted? And if they’re stock photos, that’s equally problematic, like is the message ‘here’s a

Oh wow, favorite new site. Thanks for sharing, will be reading this often.

Someone get this person out of the grays. Your comment is super clear about why the above comment is bad. You’re teaching him, not just snarking at him, and I love me some snark, but sometimes people need to be edumucated.

Well, I won’t die, but still need that total quarantine, so. They should be putting in the same effort they do for anyone.

You know I did get checked for celiac, and was actually surprised I didn’t have it since the symptoms are very much the same, in fact worse, than what my friend who does have celiac suffers! All around, it sucks bad!

Haha!! Fair enough.

I want the beard trend to go away. They’re gross. For example, the guy in the pic up above would be SMOKIN’ if it wasn’t for that awful gross frizzy fuzz protruding from his chin.

I don’t know why, maybe I’m feeling particularly not generous today, but somehow I feel the letter above, even though contrite, is kind of smug. Like, I did something bad, but oh I’m so good I learned my lesson! I hope tomato girl is reading this and goes back and sues the restaurant.

Oh I posted something similar a bit ago. Yes, I will suffer massive abdominal pains probably a few hours after leaving their restaurant. If any of them test me, they’re definitely going to think they’ve won. I seldom eat out anymore, but if I did and if I got sick, I would definitely call.

I would really like a study done on this and have it widely dispersed. Why are people so reluctant to believe in allergies? Why? It makes no sense to me. Someone says they might die or get sick if they do something, and they are not to be trusted. It’s like with sexism or racism, someone can say hey I experienced a